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Licenses: Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike 4.0 Formats: Food Safety

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    Active Surveillance

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    Risk- Based Surveillance

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    Sampling Unit

    The unit which the specimens taken represent and which is considered either infected (contaminated) or not, based on the analyses result
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    Dose Response Assessment

    The determination of the relationship between the magnitude of exposure (dose) to a chemical, biological or physical agent and the severity and/or frequency of associated...
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    Epidemiological Unit

    Means a group of animals with a defined epidemiological relationship that share approximately the same likelihood of exposure to a pathogenic agent. This may be because they...
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    Outbreak (General)

    Outbreak involving human cases from more than one household. Outbreaks in residential homes (e.g. nursing homes), schools and other similar institutions are considered to be...
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    Attack Rate (AT)

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    Performance Criterion (PC)

    The effect in frequency and/or concentration of a hazard in a food that must be achieved by the application of one or more control measures to provide or contribute to a...
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    Analytical Epidemiological Evidence (Outbreak)

    A statistically significant association between consumption of a foodstuff and being a case in an analytical epidemiological study (e.g. cohort or case–control study)
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    Final Consumer

    The ultimate consumer of a foodstuff who will not use the food as part of any foodbusiness operation or activity
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    Food Intended for Special Medical Purposes

    Dietary food for special medical purposes, as defined in Commission Directive 1999/21/EC
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    Possible Case Definition

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    Ready-to-eat Food

    Food intended by the producer or the manufacturer for direct human consumption without the need for cooking or other processing effective to eliminate or reduce to anacceptable...
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    Case Fatality

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    Unprocessed Products

    Foodstuffs that have not undergone processing, and includes products that have been divided, parted, severed, sliced, boned, minced, skinned, ground, cut, cleaned, trimmed,...
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    Risk-based Requirement

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    Risk- Based Analysis

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    A carrier of a disease-causing agent from an infected individual to a non-infected individual or its food or environment; for example, mosquitoes carrying malaria parasites
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    Objective Sampling

    Strategy based on the selection of a random sample from a population on which the data are reported. Random sample is a sample which is taken under statistical consideration to...
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    Risk-based Approach

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