191 items found

Types: Method

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  • Method

    GSP - Geo-Semantic-Parsing

    GSP receives a text document as input and returns an enriched document, where all mentions of places/locations are associated to the corresponding geographic coordinates. To...
  • Method

    XAI Library

    A suite of methods for explainable AI for different Ai models
  • Method

    German Named Entity Recognizer For Tweets

    This method analyses German tweets for names of persons, locations and organizations. It also performs normalization of abbreviations and commonTwitter slang.
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    Polarizing opinion vectors with the Friedkin-Johnsen Model

    This code contains two Mathematica notebooks to find the polarizing opinion vectors given the social graph and the nodes’ susceptibility. The notebooks have to be saved in the...
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    TripBuilder is a mobile service helping tourists to build their own personalized sightseeing tour of a city. Given a targeted touristic area, the time available for the visit,...
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  • Method

    Explaining the difference between men and women football

    Women's football is gaining supporters and practitioners worldwide, raising questions about what the differences are with men's football. While the two sports are often...
  • Method

    GATE Cloud Brexit Tweet Analysis

    A pipeline designed to detect political topics, hashtags, URLs, user mention, and hashtag-based voting intentions, expressed in tweets about the UK referendum on membership of...
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    Carpooling, i.e., the act where two or more travelers share the same car for a common trip, is one of the possibilities brought forward to reduce traffic and its...
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    It is a general method to determine the influence of social and mobility behavior over a specific geographical area in order to evaluate to what extent the current...
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  • Method

    Reducing Graph Structural Bias by Adding shortcut edges

    Algorithms that tackle the problem of minimizing average/maximum hitting time (BMAH/BMMH) between different social network groups, given fixed shortcut edges. The...
    • Data
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  • Method

    Analysis of GPS data to assess changes in mobility routines during the COVID-...

    Non-Pharmaceutical Interventions (NPIs), aimed at reducing the diffusion of the COVID-19 pandemic, have dramatically influenced our everyday behaviour. In this experiment, we...
  • Method

    Visualizing the Results of Boolean Matrix Factorizations

    We provide a method to visualize the results of Boolean Matrix Factorization algorithms. Our method can also be used to visualize overlapping clusters in bipartite graphs. The...
  • Method

    GATE Cloud COVID-19 Vaccine Text Categoriser

    A machine learning classifier trained to categorise text about COVID-19 vaccines into 6 categories - Liberty or Freedom; Development, Provision and Access; Safety, Efficacy...
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  • Method

    Carpooling Network Analysis

    Our method analyzes the potential impact of carpooling as a collective phenomenon emerging from people׳s mobility, by network analytics. Based on big mobility data from...
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    Injury forecaster for soccer players

    An algorithm to forecast the injuries of soccer players given their training workload
  • Method

    Relationship between External and Internal Workloads in Soccer Players

    The use of machine learning (ML) in soccer allows for the management of a large amount of data deriving from the monitoring of sessions and matches. Although the rate of...
  • Method

    Noun Phrase Chunker

    Base Noun Phrase Chunker, producing NounChunk annotations.
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  • Method

    Cymrie Welsh Named Entity Recognizer

    The CYMRIE named entity recognition is a service for the analysis of Welsh text. It identifies name of persons, locations, organizations, as well as money amounts, time and...
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  • Method

    GeoSim - Trajectory generator (integration in scikit-mobility)

    GeoSim, proposed by Toole et al. [1], is a mechanistic generative model for human mobility. GeoSim takes into account the social dimension between individuals during the...
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  • Method

    Human Mobility Data Privacy Risk Estimator

    This method is a fast and flexible approach to estimate privacy risk in human mobility data. The idea is to train classifiers to capture the relation between individual...