Carpooling Network Analysis

Our method analyzes the potential impact of carpooling as a collective phenomenon emerging from people׳s mobility, by network analytics. Based on big mobility data from travelers in a given territory, the Never Drive Alone method is able to construct the network of potential carpooling, where nodes correspond to the users and links to possible shared trips, and analyze the structural and topological properties of this network, such as network communities and node ranking, to the purpose of highlighting the subpopulations with higher chances to create a carpooling community, and the propensity of users to be either drivers or passengers in a shared car.

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Additional Info
Field Value
Accessibility Both
AccessibilityMode OnLine Access
Availability On-Line
Basic rights Temporary download of a single copy only
CreationDate 2016-05-15
Creator Guidotti, Riccardo, [email protected]
Field/Scope of use Research only
Group Sustainable Cities for Citizens
Owner Guidotti, Riccardo, [email protected]
Paper Url
ProgrammingLanguage Python 2.7
RelatedPaper Never Drive Alone: Boosting Carpooling with Network Analysis
SoBigData Url
Sublicense rights No
Territory of use World Wide
Thematic Cluster Human Mobility Analytics [HMA]
UsageMode Download
input A table containing GPS trajectories in a postgres database.
output A table containing the carpooling network n a postgres database.
system:type Method
Management Info
Field Value
Author Guidotti Riccardo
Maintainer Guidotti Riccardo
Version 1
Last Updated 16 September 2023, 10:10 (CEST)
Created 6 September 2018, 14:39 (CEST)