GSP - Geo-Semantic-Parsing

GSP receives a text document as input and returns an enriched document, where all mentions of places/locations are associated to the corresponding geographic coordinates. To achieve this goal, in a first step GSP performs semantic annotation with the aim of identifying relevant parts of the input text, and to link them to pertinent resources (e.g., DBpedia entities) in the Linked Data cloud. Then, GSP exploits the rich and structured information associated to RDF resources to identify, via machine learning, geographic resources and to extract the right geographic coordinates for each resource.

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Additional Info
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Accessibility Trans National Access
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Availability On-Site
Basic rights Making available to the public
CreationDate 2019-01-16
Creator Cresci Stefano, [email protected]
Field/Scope of use Research only
Group Sustainable Cities for Citizens
Owner Cresci Stefano, [email protected]
RelatedPaper Avvenuti, M., Cresci, S., Nizzoli, L., & Tesconi, M. (2018, June). GSP (Geo-Semantic-Parsing): Geoparsing and Geotagging with Machine Learning on top of Linked Data. In 2018 Extended Semantic Web Conference (pp. 17-32).
Sublicense rights No
Territory of use World Wide
Thematic Cluster Text and Social Media Mining [TSMM]
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system:type Method
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Author Cresci Stefano
Maintainer Cresci Stefano
Version 1
Last Updated 16 September 2023, 10:11 (CEST)
Created 21 January 2019, 23:01 (CET)