case definition
definition stating when the sample is considered to be positive for the zoonotic agent or when the person, animal, herd or flock is considered to be infected with the zoonotic... -
epidemiological unit
means a group of animals with a defined epidemiological relationship that share approximately the same likelihood of exposure to a pathogenic agent. This may be because they... -
indicator-based surveillance
surveillance system which involves reports of specific diseases from health care providers to public health officials. Such information may be described as structured... -
incubation period
A period of subclinical or inapparent pathologic changes following exposure, ending with the onset of symptoms of infectious disease. -
food-borne illness
A food-borne disease or food-borne illness is defined as a disease, usually either infectious or toxic in nature, caused by agents that enter the body through the ingestion of... -
number of new cases or outbreaks of a disease that occur in a population at risk in a particular geographical area within a defined time interval. -
chain of infection
A process that begins when an agent leaves its reservoir or host through a portal of exit, and is conveyed by some mode of transmission, then enters through an appropriate... -
health indicator
any of a variety of measures (e.g. mortality rate) that indicate the state of health of a given population. A variable susceptible to direct measurement that reflects the state... -
confirmed case definition
A set of uniformly applied criteria for determining whether an individual should be identified as having a particular disease, injury, or other health condition. In... -
detection in food chain or its environment
identification of the causative agent in samples taken from the preparation or processing environment of the suspected food vehicle, or from batches of similar foodstuffs... -
high risk group
A group of people/animals/food stuff in the population with a higher-than expected risk for developing a particular disease/harbouring the hazard, which may be defined on a... -
equivalence tests
Significance tests in which the null hypothesis is that samples differ to a prescribed degree. A significant result of an equivalence test comparing the effects of two... -
demographic information
personal characteristics of a person or group (e.g., age, sex, race/ethnicity, residence, and occupation) demographic information is used in descriptive epidemiology to... -
general surveillance
Surveillance that is not focused on specific hazards and uses general tests (e.g. clinical examination or gross pathology). Syndromic surveillance is a form of general... -
descriptive epidemiology
the aspect of epidemiology concerned with organizing and summarizing data regarding the persons affected (e.g., the characteristics of those who became ill), time (e.g., when...