confirmed case definition

A set of uniformly applied criteria for determining whether an individual should be identified as having a particular disease, injury, or other health condition. In epidemiology, particularly for an outbreak investigation, a case definition specifies clinical criteria and details of time, place, and individual. Classification of cases based on the gold standard definition of a case of the given disease, often based on laboratory confirmation results.

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Glossary Term Classification
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Category Epidemiology
Sector Animal Health
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Creation Date Do., Apr. 4 2019 11:37:38
Date of change 23.04.2019 01:01:35
GlossaryTermID 1552040764017_confirmedcasedefinition_AnimalHealth
Link to One Health EJP Glossary
Literature:ReferenceSource ORION preliminary definition
system:type GlossaryTerm
Management Info
Field Value
Author taras_guenther
Last Updated 28 May 2019, 07:10 (CEST)
Created 28 May 2019, 07:10 (CEST)