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Organisations: SoBigData Literacy Types: TrainingMaterial

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  • TrainingMaterial

    Data Inquiries Initiative

    The Data Inquiries Initiative (http://datainquiries.publicdatalab.org/) proposes a new way to do research with data and to teach data literacy. It suggests, in particular, to...
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    Archive Crawling

    Web archives are typically very broad in scope and extremely large in scale. This makes data analysis appear daunting, especially for non-computer scientists. These...
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    Epidemics and city. How mobility and well being changed with COVID19 era

    How did the COVID-19 epidemics change our mobility habits, and how did it impact on people’s well-being and on the virus transmissibility? In the first webinar of the seminar...
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  • TrainingMaterial

    Ego network analysis, information-driven social links and impact on informati...

    Slide from the Summer School on Computational Misinformation Analysis 2019 lesson
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  • TrainingMaterial

    Data Journalism and Story Telling

    The module aims to teach how to present the knowledge extracted from big data using multimedia story telling. It also shows some of the most recent and meaningful experiences...
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    Evaluating the significance of network observables with a maximum entropy-bas...

    This webinar was organised by the Network Medicine Exploratory (WP10) and hosted Enrico Maiorino. Enrico Maiorino is a very esteemed researcher at Brigham Women's Hospital,...
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  • TrainingMaterial

    High Performance and Scalable Analytics Module

    Mining with big data or big data mining has become an active research area. Running current analytical methodologies and software tools on a single personal computer cannot...
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  • TrainingMaterial

    Data Mining and Machine Learning for Social Science

    An introductory course for data mining and machine learning for social science. The course focuses on presenting typical data mining and machine learning techniques by using a...
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  • TrainingMaterial

    Deep Learning Course

    This course developed by Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya and Barcelona Supercomputing Center provides an applied approach to Deep Learning. It chooses to present an...
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  • TrainingMaterial

    Interactive Learning Environments

    King’s College London developed a variety of data science materials based on R and Python. R is a de facto standard in statistical computing and visualisation, while our...
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  • TrainingMaterial

    Database Module

    The 'Database Module' aims to introduce database analysis, focusing on DBMS architecture, Relational Models, SQL language and SQL nested queries. It is part of the Master in...
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  • TrainingMaterial

    Information Retrieval Module

    Study, design and analysis of IR systems which are efficient and effective to process, mine, search, cluster and classify bigdata document collections, coming from textual as...
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  • TrainingMaterial

    Business Data Analytics Course

    The training material provided by the University of Tartu is about the Business Data Analytics course. This course is meant for students as a hands-on experience for solving...
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  • TrainingMaterial

    Complex Network Analysis Lecture

    These slides are for a lecture “Network analysis”, of 851-0585-38L Data Science in Techno-Socio-Economic Systems course presented in the spring semester 2021 at ETH Zurich....
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  • TrainingMaterial

    Archive Spark

    An Apache Spark framework for easy data processing, extraction as well as derivation for archival collections. Originally developed for the use with Web archives, it has now...
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  • TrainingMaterial

    Efficiency - Effectiveness Trade-offs in Learning to Rank

    This tutorial provides an 'Introduction to Learning to Rank' and focuses on 'Dealing with the Efficiency/Effectiveness trade-off in Web Search'. Moreover, it provides two...
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    SoBigData Plus Plus e-infrastructure

    In this webinar, we introduce you to the SoBigData R.I. Are shown the main features of the SoBigData R.I. It is explained how to integrate a new method, how to execute an...
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  • TrainingMaterial

    Legal Materials as Big Data: (algo)Rithms Support Legal Interpretation. A Dia...

    This webinar, which took place on 6 July 2021, focused on the interplay between legal data and data science. The webinar, entitled ‘Legal Materials as Big Data: (algo)Rithms to...
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  • TrainingMaterial

    Compressed and Learned Data Structures Seminar

    In this seminar cycle, students are guided in the direct usage of a powerful C++ library implementing many state-of-the-art compressed data structures for big data. Other than...
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  • TrainingMaterial

    Second SoBigData Plus Plus Awareness Panel R. I. Platforms Data Part 1

    This webinar, which took place on 10 November 2020, was aimed at exploring the theme of data protection and intellectual property issues in platforms. The first speaker was...
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