Effects of heat-processing regime, pH, water activity and their interactions on the behaviour of Listeria monocytogenes in ground pork. Modelling the boundary of the growth/no-growth areas as a function of pH, water activity and temperature
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Field Value
DOLU 03/29/2019
Model-Creator GroPIN
Model-DependenVariableUnits h-1
Model-DependentVariables Rate
Model-InpendenVariables CO2, aw, pH, phenols, temp, undiss_acetic_acid, undiss_benzoic_acid, undiss_diacetate, undiss_lactic_acid, undiss_nitrite
Model-Notes T, pH, aw, mopt (h-1) || T(oC)
Model-ReferenceDescription Zuliani, V., Lebert, I., Garry, P., Jean-Luc Vendeuvre, J-L., Jean-Christophe Augustin, J-A., Lebert, A., 2006. Effects of heat-processing regime, pH, water activity and their interactions on the behaviour of Listeria monocytogenes in ground pork. Modelling the boundary of the growth/no-growth areas as a function of pH, water activity and temperature. International Journal of Food Science and Technology, 41,1197–1206
Model-Type Growth
PMF-Environment Ground pork
PMF-Environment-Details Meat
PMF-Organism Listeria monocytogenes
Software GroPIN
Software-Accessibility Public / Local installation
Software-Link http://www.aua.gr/psomas/gropin/
Software-Modeling Yes, if parameters are provided by user
Software-Notes 307
Software-PredictionConditions Static / Dynamic
system:type OpenFSMR
Management Info
Field Value
Author taras_guenther
Last Updated 17 September 2019, 14:36 (CEST)
Created 17 September 2019, 14:36 (CEST)