Modelling the growth/no growth boundary of Zygosaccharomyces bailii in acidic conditions: A contribution to the alternative method to preserve foods without using chemical preservatives.
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DOLU 03/29/2019
Model-Creator GroPIN
Model-DependentVariables Logit(P)
Model-InpendenVariables acetic_acid, aw, pH
Model-Notes Ac, pH, aw || Eq.4., Ac=acetic acid (% v/v)
Model-ReferenceDescription Dang, T.D.T., L. Mertens, L., A. Vermeulen, A., Geeraerd,A.H., Van Impe, J.F. Debevere, J., Devlieghere, F., 2010. Modelling the growth/no growth boundary of Zygosaccharomyces bailii in acidic conditions: A contribution to the alternative method to preserve foods without using chemical preservatives. . International Journal of Food Microbiology, 137,1-12
Model-Type Growth - No growth boundary model
PMF-Environment Acidified sauces
PMF-Environment-Details Sauce/Dressings
PMF-Organism Zygosaccharomyces bailii
Software GroPIN
Software-Accessibility Public / Local installation
Software-Modeling Yes, if parameters are provided by user
Software-Notes 459
Software-PredictionConditions Static / Dynamic
system:type OpenFSMR
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Author taras_guenther
Last Updated 10 December 2019, 21:13 (CET)
Created 10 December 2019, 21:13 (CET)