Modelling Salmonella concentration throughout the pork supply chain by considering growth and survival in fluctuating conditions of temperature, pH and a(w)
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DOLU 03/29/2019
Model-Creator GroPIN
Model-DependentVariables Logit(P)
Model-InpendenVariables aw, pH, temp
Model-Notes T, pH, aw (ComBase data) || Eq.6., T(oC)
Model-ReferenceDescription Pin C., Avendaño-Perez G., Cosciani-Cunico E., Gómez N., Gounadakic A., Nychas G.J., Skandamis P., Barker G., 2011. Modelling Salmonella concentration throughout the pork supply chain by considering growth and survival in fluctuating conditions of temperature, pH and a(w). International Journal of Food Microbiology, 145,S96-S102
Model-Type Growth - No growth boundary model
PMF-Environment Broths & Foods (ComBase data)
PMF-Environment-Details All
PMF-Organism Salmonella spp.
Software GroPIN
Software-Accessibility Public / Local installation
Software-Modeling Yes, if parameters are provided by user
Software-Notes 266
Software-PredictionConditions Static / Dynamic
system:type OpenFSMR
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Author taras_guenther
Last Updated 10 December 2019, 21:25 (CET)
Created 10 December 2019, 21:25 (CET)