117 items found

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  • Method

    Privacy Risk on Trajectories

    This method provides a Privacy Risk Assessment on mobility data, in terms of trajectories or aggregation of trajectories, i.e., locations with frequency of visit and locations...
    • Python
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  • Method


    The Sociometer is an analytical framework based on data mining methods that analizes users’ call habits, and classifies people into behavioral categories, among residents,...
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    • TAR
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  • Method

    Origin Destination Matrix Computation

    This method provides the sql-postgis query to calculate the Origin-Destination matrix starting from a geometry table and a set of GPS trajectories. This kind of matrix, which...
    • sql
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  • ConferencePaper

    STS-EPR: Modelling individual mobility considering the spatial, temporal, and...

    Modelling human mobility is crucial in several scientific areas, from urban planning to epidemic modeling, traffic forecasting, and what-if analysis. On the one hand, existing...
  • Method

    Event Attendance Prediction using Twitter

    An event classification package.
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  • Experiment

    Simulation of individual mobility using STS-EPR

    In this experiment we simulate the mobility of individuals in New York City, London, and Tokyo, using STS-EPR. For each city, we compare the synthetic trajectories generated...
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  • Method

    Matlas - TClustering

    Ordering points to identify the clustering structure (OPTICS) is an algorithm for finding density-based clusters in spatial data. Its basic idea is similar to DBSCAN, but it...
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  • TrainingMaterial

    Mobility data sharing: application potential and ethical issues webinar

    4th SoBigData++ Awareness Panel Webinar Programme Decentralized anonymization of mobility data Speaker: Josep Domingo-Ferrer (Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Catalonia)...
  • JournalArticle

    Automating and utilizing equal-distribution data classification

    Data classification, i.e., organising data items in groups (classes), is a general technique widely used in data visualisation and cartography, in particular, for creation of...
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  • Method

    Changes of mobility routines during the COVID-19 pandemic

    Non-Pharmaceutical Interventions (NPIs), aimed at reducing the diffusion of the COVID-19 pandemic, have dramatically influenced our everyday behaviour. This method allows to...
  • Method

    Exploration of time use by citizens based on their movement tracks

    This resource consists of a visual analytics framework and a set of supporting tools for deriving place meaning and reconstructing personal mobility diaries from episodic...
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    • mp4
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    • rep
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  • Method


    A collection of methods (relying on the scikit-mobility and OSMnx Python libraries) to compute emissions starting from vehicles' mobility trajectories. In particular, methods...
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  • Method

    Deep Gravity model

    Deep Gravity is an effective model to generate flow probabilities that exploits many features (e.g., land use, road network, transport, food, health facilities) extracted from...
  • Experiment

    Validation of the Deep Gravity model

    We conducted experiments on mobility flows in England, Italy, and New York State to show that Deep Gravity achieves a significant increase in performance, especially in...
  • JournalArticle

    Co Bridges Pair wise Visual Connection and Comparison for Multi item Data Str...

    In various domains, there are abundant streams or sequences of multi-item data of various kinds, e.g. streams of news and social media texts, sequences of genes and sports...
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  • JournalArticle

    Geo-semantic-parsing AI-powered geoparsing by traversing semantic knowledge g...

    Online social networks convey rich information about geospatial facets of reality. However in most cases, geographic information is not explicit and structured, thus...
  • Application


    Scikit-mobility is a library for human mobility analysis in Python. The library allows to: represent trajectories and mobility flows with proper data structures, TrajDataFrame...
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