69 items found

Licenses: Academic Free License 3.0 Organisations: SoBigData Catalogue

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  • Method

    Python library for direct and indirect discrimination prevention in data mining

    This python library implements the discrimination discovery and prevention method proposed in the paper: “A methodology for direct and indirect discrimination prevention in...
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    MyWay - Trajectory Prediction

    MyWay is a prediction system which exploits the individual systematic behaviors modeled by mobility profiles to predict human movements. MyWay provides three strategies: the...
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    Diary-based Trajectory Generator

    Ditras (DIary-based TRAjectory Simulator) is a framework to simulate the spatio-temporal patterns of human mobility. It operates in two steps: the generation of a mobility...
  • Experiment

    Experiment for Mobility Constrained Segregation Models

    We propose a segregation model incorporating mobility constraints to make agents select their location based on distance and location relevance. This study fills this gap by...
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    Analysis of changes in visits to public venues during the COVID-19 pandemic

    The non-pharmaceutical interventions (NPIs), aimed at reducing the diffusion of the COVID-19 pandemic, has dramatically influenced our behaviour in everyday life. We developed...
  • Application


    M-Atlas is a mobility querying and data mining system centered onto the concept of spatio-temporal data. Besides the mechanisms for storing and querying trajectory data,...
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    STS-EPR - Trajectory generator

    Modelling human mobility is crucial in several scientific areas, from urban planning to epidemic modeling, traffic forecasting, and what-if analysis. Existing models focus on...
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    Mobility Profile

    This algorithm allows to create a mobility profile of the users' mobility. A mobility profile is a set of representative trips selected from the entire set of trips of a user.
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    Matlas - Trajectory Builder

    Trajectory Builder is an Algorithm to reconstruct trajectories from spatio-temporal observation according to specific user constraints.
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    Statistical validation

    This is a method to filter a large complex network to its backbone structure, by means of statistical hypothesis testing. This method is available as a downloadable software...
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  • Method

    GSP - Geo-Semantic-Parsing

    GSP receives a text document as input and returns an enriched document, where all mentions of places/locations are associated to the corresponding geographic coordinates. To...
  • Experiment

    Validation for MoGAN

    We conduct extensive experiments on public datasets of bike and taxi rides to show that MoGAN outperforms the classical Gravity and Radiation models regarding the realism of...
  • Method


    Carpooling, i.e., the act where two or more travelers share the same car for a common trip, is one of the possibilities brought forward to reduce traffic and its...
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  • Method

    Analysis of GPS data to assess changes in mobility routines during the COVID-...

    Non-Pharmaceutical Interventions (NPIs), aimed at reducing the diffusion of the COVID-19 pandemic, have dramatically influenced our everyday behaviour. In this experiment, we...
  • Experiment

    Estimation of emissions from vehicles' GPS trajectories

    We used the mobility-emission methods (https://data.d4science.org/ctlg/ResourceCatalogue/mobility-emissions) to perform experiments on real GPS trajectories describing 433,272...
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  • Method

    GeoSim - Trajectory generator (integration in scikit-mobility)

    GeoSim, proposed by Toole et al. [1], is a mechanistic generative model for human mobility. GeoSim takes into account the social dimension between individuals during the...
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    Human Mobility Data Privacy Risk Estimator

    This method is a fast and flexible approach to estimate privacy risk in human mobility data. The idea is to train classifiers to capture the relation between individual...
  • Method

    Urban Mobility Atlas

    The framework provides a visual interface to a series of analytical processes for the comprehension of human mobility patterns. The framework is feeded with a series of models...
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    Generating Synthetic Mobility Networks with Generative Adversarial Networks

    The increasingly crucial role of human displacements in complex societal phenomena, such as traffic congestion, segregation, and the diffusion of epidemics, is attracting the...
  • Method


    The Sociometer is an analytical framework based on data mining methods that analizes users’ call habits, and classifies people into behavioral categories, among residents,...
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