50 items found

Licenses: Academic Free License 3.0

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  • Dataset

    Lexical networks from Lithuanian news articles

    The dataset includes lexical networks centered on keywords related to migration. The networks are built starting from Lithuanian news articles extracted from the dataset...
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  • Dataset

    Semantic Networks from news articles (Danish sample)

    The Semantic Networks from news articles (Danish sample) contains semantic networks for a sample of migration-related news articles extracted from the dataset described in...
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  • Dataset

    Semantic Networks from news articles (Italian sample)

    The Semantic Networks from news articles (Italian sample) contains semantic networks for a sample of migration-related news articles extracted from the dataset described in...
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  • Dataset

    Semantic Networks from news articles (German sample)

    The Semantic Networks from news articles (German sample) contains semantic networks for a sample of migration-related news articles extracted from the dataset described in...
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  • Dataset

    Semantic Networks from news articles (Dutch sample)

    The Semantic Networks from news articles (Dutch sample) contains semantic networks for a sample of migration-related news articles extracted from the dataset described in...
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  • Dataset

    Semantic Networks from news articles (English sample)

    The Semantic Networks from news articles (English sample) contains semantic networks for a sample of migration-related news articles extracted from the dataset described in...
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  • Dataset


    The ClueWeb12 dataset consists of 733,019,372 English web pages, collected between February 10, 2012 and May 10, 2012. It was created to support research on information...
  • Dataset

    Facebook Wallpost

    Online interactions between users via the wall feature in the New Orleans regional network.
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  • Dataset


    The ClueWeb09 dataset consists of about 1 billion web pages in ten languages that were collected in January and February 2009. It was created to support research on...
  • Dataset

    Twitter social bots

    Spambots are automated accounts (i.e., accounts driven by a bot) that repeatedly advertise unsolicited and often harmful content (e.g., malware, URLs to phishing Web sites,...
  • Dataset

    Twitter fake followers

    Fake followers are fake accounts massively created to follow a target account and that can be bought from online markets. In other words, their goal is that of increasing the...
  • Method

    Digital DNA fingerprinting

    The "Digital DNA fingerprinting" is a spambot detection technique based on the "Digital DNA" online behavioral modeling technique. Given a set of Twitter user timelines, it is...
  • Method

    Polarizing opinion vectors with the Friedkin-Johnsen Model

    This code contains two Mathematica notebooks to find the polarizing opinion vectors given the social graph and the nodes’ susceptibility. The notebooks have to be saved in the...
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  • Experiment

    Pluralistic Recommendation in News - Report

    Report on the Humane-AI microproject "Pluralistic Recommendation in News". It contains details on how the two relevant datasets were built, a link to the two, and details...
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  • Method

    Reducing Graph Structural Bias by Adding shortcut edges

    Algorithms that tackle the problem of minimizing average/maximum hitting time (BMAH/BMMH) between different social network groups, given fixed shortcut edges. The...
    • Data
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  • Experiment

    Multi-flow Composition in video streaming channels

    This experiment is part the project "Streams of conspiratorial folklore" that investigates online media as a stream of performances, rather than as archives of documents. Our...
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  • ConferencePaper

    Measuring the Impact of Readability Features in Fake News Detection

    The proliferation of fake news is a current issue that influences a number of important areas of society, such as politics, economy and health. In the Natural Language...
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  • Application

    Twitter Monitor

    The Twitter Monitor is an interactive Web application designed to access the Twitter stream by exploiting the public Twitter Streaming APIs. The application can manage...
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  • ConferencePaper

    Measuring What Counts The case of Rumour Stance Classification

    Stance classification can be a powerful tool for understanding whether and which users believe in online rumours. The task aims to automatically predict the stance of replies...
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  • Experiment

    Studying the streaming of the Capitol Raid

    This experiment is part the project "Streams of conspiratorial folklore" that investigates online media as a stream of performances, rather than as archives of documents. Our...
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