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    Reviewing procedure

    Process aiming to access the quality of a risk assessment document, a risk assessment model, and the underlying data. Can be a multistep review process involving one or more...
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    Risk analysis

    A process consisting of three components: risk assessment, risk management and risk communication (Codex Alimentarius Commission, 1999).
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    Exposure scenario

    Scenarios can be constructed to predict the range of possible exposures. The scenarios might reflect effects of processing, such as hygienic design, cleaning and disinfection,...
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    Data that defines and describes other data (ISO, 2004).
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    Risk communication

    The interactive exchange of information and opinions concerning risk among risk assessors, risk managers, consumers and other interested parties (Codex Alimentarius Commission,...
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    A function of the probability of an adverse health effect and the severity of that effect, consequential to a hazard in food (Codex Alimentarius Commission, 1999).
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    Risk communication

    The interactive exchange of information and opinions concerning risk among risk assessors, risk managers, consumers and other interested parties (Codex Alimentarius Commission,...
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    Experimental/Observational data

    Measurement values obtained in experimental or observational studies. Can be used in the fitting or validation procedure.
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    Biological hazard

    The microorganisms and/or their toxins present in, or condition of, food with the potential to cause an adverse health effect (adapted from Hazard definition from FAO/WHO, 2016).
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    Risk management

    The process of weighing policy alternatives in the light of the results of risk assessment and, if required, selecting and implementing appropriate control options, including...
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    A curation process for models aims to classify models according to certain quality criteria. These quality criteria must be defined. Depending on the classification, the end...
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    Consumption model

    A consumption model describes the amount of food consumed during a particular eating occasion (i.e., a serving) and/or the frequency of the consumption of these servings, or an...
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    Generic Metadata Schema

    The complete set of metadata concepts generated as part of the RAKIP project that allows annotating with sufficient detail any type of model or data in the QMRA or PM modelling...
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    Evaluation data

    Experimental/observational data that is used to evaluate the performance of the fitted model. This data should have not been used previously for generation of the fitted model.
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    Evaluation data

    Experimental/observational data that is used to evaluate the performance of the fitted model. This data should have not been used previously for generation of the fitted model.
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    The cardinality value indicates if the metadata concept is mandatory or not, and the possible dimension. The value of “1” means that the metadata is mandatory. The value of...
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    Empirical model

    Empirical models describe a set of data in a convenient mathematical relationship without considering any underlying phenomena (Ross and Dalgaard 2004). Examples of empirical...
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    Model generation process

    Process aiming at generating a description of a system through mathematical concepts or software code.
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    Validated-fitted model

    Model that has been fitted and successfully validated on independent experimental/observational data (evaluation data). A validated-fitted model can be used to make predictions...
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    FSK-ML (Food Safety Knowledge - Markup Language)

    FSK-ML is a specification for knowledge exchange format that can be used to encode models in the domain of food safety risk assessment.
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