14 items found

Organisations: AGINFRAplusDev Tags: Other

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    Private Secondary cardinal parameter model for µmax of Listeria monocytogenes growing...

  • FSKXModel

    RESTful Transaction Model

    A research of Luca Frosini
    • PDF
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  • FSKXModel

    Toy Model for Testing Purposes_TEST

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    Private Secondary cardinal parameter model for mumax of Listeria monocytogenes growin...

  • FSKXModel

    Toy Model for Testing Purposes_TEST2

    trying again with different brackets
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    Private Secondary cardinal parameter model for mumax of Listeria monocytogenes growin...

  • FSKXModel

    Toy Model for Testing Purposes_TEST2

    trying again
  • FSKXModel

    Toy Model for Testing Purposes_TEST3

    trying again
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    • The resource: 'file' is not accessible as guest user. You must login to access it!
    • The resource: 'file' is not accessible as guest user. You must login to access it!
    • The resource: 'file' is not accessible as guest user. You must login to access it!