Private A Decade of Reddit Politics: Comprehensive Dataset on User Political Leanings...
"A Decade of Reddit Politics: Comprehensive Dataset on User Political Leanings and Interaction Networks (2011-2021)" is a comprehensive dataset containing a 10 years long... -
Last.Fm UK User Graph Dataset: A Social Network and Music Listening Behavior ...
The Last.Fm UK User Graph Dataset is a comprehensive collection of social network and music listening behavior data obtained from the Last.Fm platform. The dataset includes user...-
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Santorini Tweets July-August 2021
This dataset contains 225.501 tweets written by 141.277 users. These tweets are geolocated in Santorini, or they contain the word or the hashtag "santorini" in the text. They...-
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Emergency Tweets 2012 Emilia earthquake
This dataset contains 3,170 Italian tweets about the earthquakes that stroke the Emilia Romagna regional district in Italy on 20 May 2012 starting from 4 a.m. local time...-
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Emergency Tweets 2016 Amatrice earthquake
This dataset contais Italian tweets related to the earthquake of 2016 in the Centre of Italy (https://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Terremoto_del_Centro_Italia_del_2016_e_d...). is...-
The resource: 'EAQ-AMA.zip' is not accessible as guest user. You must login to access it!
Emergency Tweets 2014 Genoa flood
This dataset contains Italian tweets collected during and in the aftermath of the floods that occurred near the city of Genoa between 9 and 11 October 2014...-
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Emergency Tweets 2013 Sardinia flood
This dataset is related to the floods that occurred in the Sardinia regional district between 17 and 19 November 2013 (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2013_Sardinia_floods), as...-
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A New Topological Approach for the Prediction of Protein-Protein Interactions
We propose, Maximum-Proteins-Similarity(Topological)": MPS(T). MPS(T) is a topological three-length path method that scores the potential interaction between proteins by... -
The resource: 'geo-annotated tweets.zip' is not accessible as guest user. You must login to access it!
Emergency Tweets 2011 Christchurch earthquake
This dataset contains tweets related to the devastating earthquake occurred on 22 February 2011, at around 12 p.m. local time in Christchurch, New Zealand...-
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Emergency Tweets 2013 Milan blackout
This dataset is related to a power outage (i.e., a blackout) that occurred in the city of Milan, in northern Italy, in the night between 14 and 15 May 2013. Despite not...-
The resource: 'PWO-MIL_tweets.csv' is not accessible as guest user. You must login to access it!
Emergency Tweets 2009 L'Aquila earthquake
This dataset comprises 1,100 Italian tweets shared in the aftermath of the 2009 L’Aquila earthquake (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2009_L%27Aquila_earthquake). The earthquake...-
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Twitter social bots
Spambots are automated accounts (i.e., accounts driven by a bot) that repeatedly advertise unsolicited and often harmful content (e.g., malware, URLs to phishing Web sites,... -
Twitter fake followers
Fake followers are fake accounts massively created to follow a target account and that can be bought from online markets. In other words, their goal is that of increasing the... -
Twitter dataset about two premier UK music festivals
The dataset contains twitter posts about two premier UK music festivals: Creamfields 2016 (on August 25th-28th) and VFestival 2016 (on August 20th-21st).-
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Private Workshopping on social big data and aversarial publics
This is the report on the micro-project entitled “Workshopping on social big data and adversarial publics” carried out by CNRS. In this microproject, we propose to re-evaluate... -
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A dataset of journalists on Twitter
This dataset comprises the Twitter timelines of journalists belonging to 17 different countries from 8 different continental regions, downloaded in May 2018. We used the Twitter...-
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Twitter Dataset British MPs
This dataset contains the Twitter tweet_ids from the Timelines of 584 members of British Parliament (collected between 4th and 6th of March 2022). The users are identified from...-
The resource: 'Twitter Dataset British MPs' is not accessible as guest user. You must login to access it!
Workshopping on social big data and adversarial publics
This report is based on an empirical case study on content moderation, whose objective is to interrogate whether content moderation can be reclaimed by users as a practice...-
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