Visual Analytics for Data Scientists

Participants to this module shall -    Learn the principles and rules underlying the design of visual data representations and human-computer interactions -    Understand, adapt and apply representative visual analytics methods and systems for diverse types of data and problems -    Analyse and evaluate the structure and properties of data to select or devise appropriate methods for data exploration -    Combine visualization, interactive techniques, and computational processing to develop practical data analysis for problem solving

(This teaching material on Visual Analytics for Data Scientists is part of a MSc module at City University London).

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Additional Info
Field Value
Availability On-Site
Course Slides of lectures, scripts of practicals, example data sets, links to software
Length 268 slides + exercises
Lesson number 7
Prerequisites None
Provider Institution ETHZ - Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich
Target users Other
Target users Professionals
Target users PhD Students
Target users Data Scientists
Target users Social Scientists
Thematic Cluster Visual Analytics [VA]
Thematic Cluster Human Mobility Analytics [HMA]
Training material typology Other
Training material typology Slides
system:type TrainingMaterial
Management Info
Field Value
Version 1
Last Updated 14 October 2021, 14:14 (CEST)
Created 6 September 2018, 14:38 (CEST)