Tutorials on anonymization and antidiscrimination of datasets

These tutorials show how to use the already implemented libraries for the anonymization and antidiscrimination of data sets: - Anonymization library: (also available in - Antidiscrimination library: (also available in Two jupyter notebooks have been developed (one for the anonymization library and one for the antidiscrimination library). They show step by step how to properly anonymize a data set, how to indicate the required privacy parameters and how to evaluate the resulting data. Both notebooks are included in this catalog item. In addition, to facilitate the training process, both notebooks have also been published as Google Colaboratory notebooks which allow them to be executed in the cloud or downloaded to be executed locally.

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Additional Info
Field Value
Availability On-Line
Group e-Learning
Group Sustainable Cities for Citizens
Prerequisites Python
Provider Institution Universitat Rovira i Virgili
Target users Other
Target users Professionals
Target users PhD Students
Thematic Cluster Privacy Enhancing Technology [PET]
Training material typology Tutorial
system:type TrainingMaterial
Management Info
Field Value
Author Manjón Jesús
Maintainer Manjón Jesús
Version 1
Last Updated 16 September 2023, 10:12 (CEST)
Created 8 July 2022, 08:28 (CEST)