Thons marqués par le projet RTTP et recapturés par les pêcheurs

Thons marqués durant le programme RTTP et recapturés par les pêcheurs.For all recovery were recorded: Tag number, Species, length, weight, who, where (country, vessel, cannery, position), when (process, date, vessel, well), gear, school type (log, free, mixed), etc…as well as quality codes whenever necessary.The data are gathered in an ACCESS Data Base different from the tagging data.27% of the recoveries were found at sea; they are generally associated to a unique date and position.When not found at sea and recovered by a PS all possible sets (with their dates and positions) are associated to the recovery.At the end, 42% of PS recoveries have a single date, 80% have dates at the most 7 days apart. Dans les recaptures 423 individus proviennent des deux mattes associées durant le projet.Pour les individus recapturés, la position spatiale des recaptures est estimée et la précision est très variable selon le lieu d'échantillonage. 27,505 tuna were recovered (RR - recovery rate of 16.4%) including: 9,533 Yellowfin- RR = 17.4% 5,335 Bigeye - RR = 15.4% 12,634 Skipjack- RR = 16.1% 3 species unknown 4,675 double-tagged (DT) tuna recovered - RR = 16.8% 611 OTC tuna recovered – RR = 10.4% 94.7% of the recoveries were reported by Purse Seiners 2.5% by pole-and-line but 63% are from the Associated School All the other gears are each less than 1% (i.e. 0.9% for Longline)Apart from the large amount of available data the RTTP-IO is also characterized by the quality of its data.A very broad effort was devoted to the data cleaning and processing.As most tuna were released far from main tuna fisheries, especially PS,Time-at-liberty (TL) show an unusual percentage of short-time recoveries (during the first 2 months after tagging, only 11.3 % of YFT, 9.5% of BET and 14.5% of SKJ were recaptured).Another feature is the large average distance travelled (DTr): Recoveries 4 weeks after tagging have an average DTr equal to 879 miles for YFT, 651 for BET & 712 for SKJ.Other similar tagging projects have often more than 50% of their recoveries in the first two months after tagging and average DTr much shorter.Data processing & availability: The basic idea in the processing and the distribution of the data is to make all data available (original data and processed or calculated data) together with all the necessary information leaving the users free to make their choice.The RTTP-IO tagged and recovered all three tropical tuna species. Wrong species identification do occurred either at tagging or at recovery. Almost all these differences in species were corrected either at tagging or at recovery using different parameters. However codes detailed the corrections and made it possible for users either to accept these corrections or to go back to the original data.Calculated fields: All lengths at tagging are in FL and at recovery all the different lengths were converted to FL. But original data are still available.All positions in degree & minutes are also given in degree-decimals.When different sets are considered the average, minimum and maximum dates and positions are given together with the number of sets involved. Corresponding travelled distances are also available.

Dataset extent

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Geonetwork Links
Field Value
Additional Info
Field Value
access_constraints []
bbox-east-long 63.96666667
bbox-north-lat 14.9
bbox-south-lat -12.91666667
bbox-west-long 39.16666667
contact-email [email protected]
[{"type": "revision", "value": "2018-11-30"}]
graphic-preview-description Thumbnail from WMS / Geoserver
graphic-preview-type WWW:LINK-1.0-http--link
GUID trash_rttp_recovered_tagged_tuna
licence []
metadata-date 2018-11-30T15:02:44
metadata-language eng
point_of_contact IOTC Secretariat, [email protected]
resource-type dataset
[{"name": "Indian Ocean Tuna Commission (IOTC)", "roles": ["publisher"]}]
{"type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [[[39.16666667, -12.91666667], [63.96666667, -12.91666667], [63.96666667, 14.9], [39.16666667, 14.9], [39.16666667, -12.91666667]]]}
spatial_harvester true
system:type Dataset
temporal-extent-begin 2005-06-09T00:00:00
temporal-extent-end 2007-08-28T00:00:00
Management Info
Field Value
Author IRD, UMR MARBEC & COI,IRD & Seychelles Fishing Authority (SFA)
Maintainer bluebridge_catalogue_one
Last Updated 8 July 2021, 10:44 (CEST)
Created 8 July 2021, 10:44 (CEST)