The ProASP System

ProASP stands as the first compilation-based ASP solver specifically designed to efficiently evaluate ASP programs. Its evaluation techniques address the well-known grounding bottleneck problem, a significant challenge for state-of-the-art ASP solvers. As a result, ProASP offers a robust solution for evaluating ASP programs that are hindered by grounding issues, rendering them unsolvable by conventional systems. Furthermore, recent advancements in ProASP enable a hybrid evaluation approach that combines the classical and compilation-based methods. This innovative strategy delivers notable performance improvements even for benchmarks not traditionally impacted by the grounding bottleneck problem.

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Additional Info
Field Value
Accessibility OnLine
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Basic rights Making available to the public
CreationDate 2022-09-01 10:00
Creator Mazzotta, Giuseppe, [email protected],
Field/Scope of use Any use
Group Others
Owner Mazzotta, Giuseppe, [email protected],
Programming Language C++
RelatedPaper Compilation of Tight ASP Programs, 10.3233/FAIA230316; Blending Grounding and Compilation for Efficient ASP Solving, 10.24963/kr.2024/30
SoBigData Node SoBigData EU
Sublicense rights No
Territory of use World Wide
Thematic Cluster Other
system:type Method
Management Info
Field Value
Version 1
Last Updated 1 March 2025, 21:05 (CET)
Created 1 March 2025, 21:05 (CET)