Social Network Analysis @MasterBigData2022

This course introduces students to the theories, concepts, and measures of Social Network Analysis (SNA), which is aimed at characterizing the structure of large-scale Online Social Networks (OSNs). The course presents both classroom teaching to introduce theoretical concepts, and hands-on computer work to apply the theory on real large-scale datasets obtained from OSNs like Facebook and Twitter. The course aims to discuss in particular how the structural properties of social networks can be analyzed through SNA techniques, and how these properties can be used to characterize social phenomena arising in society. Instructor: Andrea Passarella.

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Additional Info
Field Value
Availability On-Line
Group Others
Prerequisites None
Target users PhD Students
Thematic Cluster Social Network Analysis [SNA]
Training material typology Slides
system:type TrainingMaterial
Management Info
Field Value
Author Andrea Passarella
Maintainer Boldrini Chiara
Version 1
Last Updated 24 June 2023, 01:14 (CEST)
Created 25 November 2021, 17:34 (CET)