RTTP biological data

In addition to tagging data, biological data have been collected for fish which were damaged and remained on deck (some of the biological measurements require the fish dead). 3975 fish were sampled this way(YFT, BET,SKJ...).Biological data include lengths (FL, FDL, CL), weight, sex, sex maturity, gonad weight, liver weight, stomach content weight (not for all fish on deck). The fish used for this activity are not tagged and related data are thus not part of the final tagging data. Since the fish are not recovered by professional fishing vessels, the spatial location is accurate (from GPS). Biological data (eg length, weight of individuals or related organs, tissue samples) have been collected on individuals of main tropical tuna species (YFT, SKJ ALB, BET). Samples have been collected on tissues (gut, liver, stomach..) or otolith.Biological data collected on recovered tagged tuna are managed in antother dataset.fra@C'est un jeu de données de 3975 lignes (sur yft, bigeye, skj...). poids du foie, des gonades, périmètre thoracique. Les données biologiques supplémentaires (...) sont accessibles mais gérées séparément des données de tagging. Certains individus ont fait l'objet de collecte de données biologiques (biologicaldatasampling), parmi ces individus, il y a un mélange d'individus marqués (indications dans les commentaires avec le numéro de marque) et de no marqués (majoritaires)Le contexte d’observation est décrit précisément dans les tables ”CRUISE”, ”ACTIVITY” qui rapportent les activités lors des différentes campagnes de marquage.les observations réalisées sur les individus bléssés: localisation, espèce, taille (Fork Length fl, First Dorsal Length fdl, Round Length rl, tp, Weight of the whole fish in 1/10 kg, Ungutted weight in 1/10 kg, Weight of the gut in 1/10 kg, Weight of the liver in grams, Weight of the two gonads together in grams, the sex of the fish either male or female (See LOOKUPSEX table), maturity stage, Volume of the stomach content in grams, Has the White muscle isotopes been sampled, has the White muscle been sampled, Has the liver been sampled, has the stomach been sampled,as the otolith been sampled, has the otolith Cap been sampled, if Dolphin Fish, has fin been sampled..)

Dataset extent

Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors
Tiles by MapBox
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Geonetwork Links
Field Value
GN_Metadata_Show http://geonetwork-iotcss3.d4science.org/geonetwork/srv/en/catalog.search#/metadata/trash_rttp_biological_sampling
GN_Metadata_Source http://geonetwork-iotcss3.d4science.org/geonetwork/srv/en/xml.metadata.get?uuid=trash_rttp_biological_sampling
GN_URL http://geonetwork-iotcss3.d4science.org/geonetwork
Additional Info
Field Value
access_constraints []
bbox-east-long 68.01666667
bbox-north-lat 22.83333333
bbox-south-lat -14.3
bbox-west-long 39.55
contact-email [email protected]
[{"type": "revision", "value": "2018-11-30"}]
graphic-preview-description Thumbnail from WMS / Geoserver
graphic-preview-file http://geoserver-sdi-lab.d4science.org/geoserver/RTTP_workspace/wms?service=WMS&version=1.1.1&request=GetMap&layers=RTTP_workspace:world,RTTP_workspace:trash_rttp_biological_sampling&bbox=39.55,-14.3,68.01666667,22.83333333&TRANSPARENT=true&width=768&height=768&srs=EPSG:4326&format=image/png
graphic-preview-type WWW:LINK-1.0-http--link
GUID trash_rttp_biological_sampling
licence []
metadata-date 2018-11-30T15:01:46
metadata-language eng
point_of_contact IOTC Secretariat, [email protected]
resource-type dataset
[{"name": "Indian Ocean Tuna Commission (IOTC)", "roles": ["publisher"]}]
{"type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [[[39.55, -14.3], [68.01666667, -14.3], [68.01666667, 22.83333333], [39.55, 22.83333333], [39.55, -14.3]]]}
spatial_harvester true
system:type Dataset
temporal-extent-begin 2005-05-25T00:00:00
temporal-extent-end 2007-09-09T00:00:00
Management Info
Field Value
Author IRD, UMR MARBEC & COI,IRD & Seychelles Fishing Authority (SFA)
Maintainer bluebridge_catalogue_one
Last Updated 24 June 2021, 03:42 (CEST)
Created 24 June 2021, 03:42 (CEST)