B. thermosphacta temperature dependency of µmax - Sausage
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DOLU 03/29/2019
Model-Creator MRV
Model-CurationStatus independent studies
Model-DependentVariables mumax, pH, aw temperature, atmosphere
Model-Foodprocess Storage
Model-InpendenVariables temp
Model-ReferenceDescription Nielsen (et al.), 1987: Microbiological effects of a partial or total replacement of sodium in sodium chloride with other cations-model systems. International Journal of Food Microbiology 4: 13 - 24, ielsen (et al.), 1986: Growth of spoilage bacteria in broth and vacuum-packed bologna-type sausage at fluctuating temperatures and low temperature storage. Journal of Food Protection 49(11): 886 - 890, Nielsen (et al.), 1983: Composition of bacterial flora in sliced vacuum packed Bologna-type sausage as influenced by nitrite. Journal of Food Technology 18(3): 371 - 385, Nielsen (et al.), 1983: Influence of phosphate and glucose addition on some important spoilage bacteria in vacuum packed bologna-type sausage. Journal of Food Protection 46(12): 1078 - 1083, Collins (et al.), 1982: Control of Brochothrix thermosphacta by Lactobacillus species in a vacuum packed Bologna. Journal Institut Canadien de Science et Technologie Alimentaire 15(4): 307 - 309, Nielsen (et al.), 1983: Influence of temperature and gas permeability of packaging film on development and composition of microbial flora in vacuum-packed bologna-type sausage. Journal of Food Protection 46(8): 693 - 698, Banks (et al.), 1985: Sulfite, an elective agent in the microbiological and chemical changes occurring in uncooked comminuted meat products. Journal of Applied Biochemistry 7: 161- 179,
Model-Type Growth - Growth boundary model
PMF-Environment Sausage
PMF-Environment-Details Meat
PMF-Organism Brochothrix thermosphacta
Software MRV
Software-Accessibility Public
Software-Link http://mrviewer.info/
system:type OpenFSMR
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Author taras_guenther
Last Updated 17 September 2019, 14:28 (CEST)
Created 17 September 2019, 14:28 (CEST)