Network generator with fractal topologies - WP8

The micro-project has developed a python module for the generation of networks with fractal topologies, in particular Sierpinski graphs for the task involved in T8.4 Complex Network Analysis Mining services design and integration. The module can installed by calling the library name and will output adjacency matrices with given parameters, which can be used as substrates to study any form of dynamics, such as oscillator synchronization or contact processes.

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Field Value
Accessibility Both
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Availability On-Line
Basic rights Making available to the public
CreationDate 2021-09-10
Creator Chandreyee Roy, [email protected],
Field/Scope of use Any use
Group Others
Owner Chandreyee Roy, [email protected],
ProgrammingLanguage Python
RelatedPaper Monsivais-Velazquez D, Bhattacharya K, Barrio RA, Maini PK, Kaski KK. Dynamics of hierarchical weighted networks of van der Pol oscillators. Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science. 2020 Dec 28;30(12):123146.
Sublicense rights No
Territory of use World Wide
Thematic Cluster Social Network Analysis [SNA]
input number of levels, number of nodes in a clique
output Neighbour list
system:type Method
Management Info
Field Value
Author Chandreyee Roy
Maintainer Roy Chandreyee
Version 1
Last Updated 24 June 2023, 01:11 (CEST)
Created 16 September 2021, 13:42 (CEST)