GERDAQ Dataset

This is a benchmark dataset of annotated search-engine queries. Mentions of entities in search-engine queries are tagged with the entity they refer to. Wikipedia is used as knowledge base.

For example, the query armstrong moon landing is tagged with two annotations:

While the query armstrong doping is tagged with:

The dataset has been constructed through the Crowdflower crowdsourcing platform. Queries are drawn randomly from the KDD 2005 Cup dataset.

Data and Resources
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  • GERDAQ datasetXML

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Additional Info
Field Value
Accessibility Virtual Access
AccessibilityMode Download
Area Natural Language Understanding
Availability On-Line
Basic rights Modification
ChildrenData No
Consent obtained also covers the envisaged transfer of the personal data outside the EU No
Consent of the data subject No
CreationDate 2014-05-19
Creator Cornolti, Marco, [email protected]
DataProtectionDirective Data needs no protection.
DiskSize 0.244
Field/Scope of use Any use
Format application/xml
Language eng, English
ManifestationType Original
Personal data was manifestly made public by the data subject No
PersonalData No
ProcessingDegree Primary
Semantic Coverage entities
Size 244KB
Sublicense rights No
Territory of use World Wide
ThematicCluster Text and Social Media Mining
system:type Dataset
Management Info
Field Value
Author Cornolti Marco
Maintainer Cornolti Marco
Version 1
Last Updated 24 June 2023, 01:11 (CEST)
Created 6 September 2018, 14:39 (CEST)