Combined DIVA 4D 10-year analysis of Water body phosphate

Combined product of Water body phosphate based on DIVA 4D 10-year analysis on five regions : Atlantic Sea, North Sea, Baltic Sea, Black Sea, Mediterranean Sea. The boundaries and overlapping zones between these five regions were filtered to avoid any unrealistic spatial discontinuities. This combined water body phosphate product is masked using the relative error threshold 0.5. Units: umol/l

Dataset extent

Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors
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Geonetwork Links
Field Value
Additional Info
Field Value
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[{"name": "IFREMER / STATION DE LA TRINITE", "roles": ["originator"]}, {"name": "IFREMER / IDM / SISMER - Scientific Information Systems for the SEA", "roles": ["author"]}, {"name": "Tuapse Hydrometeorological Bureau, North-Caucasus Centre", "roles": ["originator"]}, {"name": "University of Gothenburg, Faculty of Science", "roles": ["originator"]}, {"name": "IFREMER / DYNECO/PELAGOS-LABORATOIRE D'ECOLOGIE PELAGIQUE", "roles": ["originator"]}, {"name": "Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute, Roshydromet (Saint-Petersburg)", "roles": ["originator"]}, {"name": "Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences, Management Unit of North Sea and Scheldt Estuary Mathematical Models", "roles": ["originator"]}, {"name": "Iv.Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University, Centre of Relations with UNESCO Oceanological Research Centre and GeoDNA (UNESCO)", "roles": ["originator"]}, {"name": "Southern Scientific Research Institute of Marine Fisheries and Oceanography", "roles": ["originator"]}, {"name": "IEO/ La Coruna Oceanographic Centre", "roles": ["originator"]}, {"name": "State Oceanographic Institute (SOI)", "roles": ["originator"]}, {"name": "Ukrainian Hydrometeorological Institute - Marine Branch", "roles": ["originator"]}, {"name": "Institute of Biology of the Southern Seas, NAS of Ukraine", "roles": ["originator"]}, {"name": "Finnish Institute of Marine Research (FIMR)", "roles": ["originator"]}, {"name": "CNR, Institute of Marine Science (ISMAR) - Ancona", "roles": ["originator"]}, {"name": "Ifremer / Crela", "roles": ["originator"]}, {"name": "CNRS / Center of Oceanology of Marseille (COM) La-Seyne-Sur-Mer", "roles": ["originator"]}, {"name": "University of Plymouth, Institute of Marine Studies", "roles": ["originator"]}, {"name": "Isle of Man Government Laboratory", "roles": ["originator"]}, {"name": "IFREMER / RBE Department / Biogeochimical end Ecotoxicological Resarch Unit (Nantes)", "roles": ["originator"]}, {"name": "Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute", "roles": ["originator", "author"]}, {"name": "P.P.Shirshov Institute of Oceanology, RAS", "roles": ["originator"]}, {"name": "Dokuz Eylul University, Institute of Marine Science and Technology", "roles": ["originator"]}, {"name": "Bulgarian National Oceanographic Data Centre(BGODC), Institute of Oceanology", "roles": ["originator"]}, {"name": "IFREMER / CENTRE MANCHE - MER DU NORD", "roles": ["originator"]}, {"name": "Krondshtadt Hydrometeorological Observatory, North-West HMS", "roles": ["originator"]}, {"name": "Finnish Environment Institute", "roles": ["originator"]}, {"name": "Institute of Marine Sciences. Mediterranean Marine and Environmental Research Centre (CMIMA-ICM-CSIC)", "roles": ["originator"]}, {"name": "Nothern Regional Administration of Hydrometeorology of Roshydromet", "roles": ["originator"]}, {"name": "Marine Systems Institute at Tallinn University of Technology", "roles": ["originator"]}, {"name": "Roscoff Marine Station, Sorbonne Universit\u00e9s, UPMC Univ Paris 06 and CNRS", "roles": ["originator"]}, {"name": "Sinop University, Fisheries Faculty", "roles": ["originator"]}, {"name": "LABORATORY OF OCEANOGRAPHY of VILLEFRANCHE (LOV) / OOV", "roles": ["originator"]}, {"name": "Universite de la Rochelle / Litoral Environnement et Societe (LIENSS) - UMR 7266", "roles": ["originator"]}, {"name": "Finnish Meteorological Institute", "roles": ["originator"]}, {"name": "Alfred-Wegener-Institute for Polar- and Marine Research", "roles": ["originator"]}, {"name": "Institute of Meteorology and Water Management National Research Institute, Maritime Branch in Gdynia (IMWM MB)", "roles": ["originator"]}, {"name": "University of Liverpool, Port Erin Marine Laboratory", "roles": ["originator"]}, {"name": "Baleares Islands University. Environmental Biology Department. UIB", "roles": ["originator"]}, {"name": "IEO/ Malaga Oceanographic Centre", "roles": ["originator"]}, {"name": "IHPT, Hydrographic Institute", "roles": ["originator"]}, {"name": "Institute of Marine Research", "roles": ["originator"]}, {"name": "LABORATORY of PHYSICAL OCEANOGRAPHY (LPO) UMR 6523 CNRS-IFREMER-IRD-UBO", "roles": ["originator"]}, {"name": "Hellenic Centre for Marine Research, Institute of Oceanography (HCMR/IO)", "roles": ["originator"]}, {"name": "Latvian Institute of Aquatic Ecology", "roles": ["originator"]}, {"name": "UNIVERSITE DE LA MEDITERRANNEE (U2) / CENTRE D'OCEANOLOGIE DE MARSEILLE", "roles": ["originator"]}, {"name": "Hellenic Centre for Marine Research, Hellenic National Oceanographic Data Centre (HCMR/HNODC)", "roles": ["author"]}, {"name": "CNR, Institute of Marine Science (ISMAR) (Trieste)", "roles": ["originator"]}, {"name": "IFREMER / DYNECO- Coastal Environment Dynamics department", "roles": ["originator"]}, {"name": "Universite du Littoral Cote d'Opale / Oceanology and Geosciences Laboratory - UMR 8187 (LOG)", "roles": ["originator"]}, {"name": "National Institute of Biology - NIBMarine Biology Station", "roles": ["originator"]}, {"name": "IFREMER / CENTRE DE BRETAGNE", "roles": ["originator"]}, {"name": "IFREMER / DYNECO / PHYSED -LABO PHYSIQUE HYDRODYNAMIQUE ET SEDIMENTAIRE", "roles": ["originator"]}, {"name": "UNIVERSITE DE BRETAGNE OCCIDENTALE (UBO) / LAB. 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Management Info
Field Value
Maintainer bluebridge_catalogue_one
Last Updated 10 September 2018, 16:21 (CEST)
Created 10 September 2018, 16:21 (CEST)