Black Sea DIVA 4D analysis of Water_body_nitrate_plus_nitrite

Gridded product for visualization of Water body nitrate plus nitrite in the Black Sea generated by DIVA 4.6.9 using all EMODNET Chemistry data from 1976 to 2013.

Depth range (IODE standard depths): 0 – 150m. DIVA settings: signal-to-noise ratio and correlation length were estimated using data mean distance as a minimum (for L), and both parameters vertically filtered.

Background field: the data mean value is subtracted from the data. Detrending of data: no. Advection constraint applied: no.

Every year of the time dimension corresponds to a 10-year centred average for each season: - winter: December - February, - spring: March - May, - summer: June - August, - autumn: September – November

Units: umol/l

Dataset extent

Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors
Tiles by MapBox
Data and Resources
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Geonetwork Links
Field Value
Additional Info
Field Value
access_constraints ["Usage is subject to mandatory citation: \"This resource was generated in the framework of EMODnet Chemistry, under the support of DG MARE Call for Tender EASME/EMFF/2016/006 - lot4.\""]
bbox-east-long 41.95
bbox-north-lat 47.95
bbox-south-lat 40
bbox-west-long 27
contact-email [email protected]
[{"type": "creation", "value": ""}]
GUID a9e5d9a0-d6d8-4ada-ab72-59bccce197e3
licence []
metadata-date 2019-01-30T16:46:25
metadata-language eng
point_of_contact 1 [email protected]
point_of_contact 11 [email protected]
point_of_contact 13 [email protected]
point_of_contact 14 [email protected]
point_of_contact 15 [email protected]
point_of_contact 17 [email protected]
point_of_contact 2 [email protected]
point_of_contact 20 [email protected], [email protected]
point_of_contact 21 [email protected]
point_of_contact 22 [email protected]
point_of_contact 4 [email protected]
point_of_contact 5 [email protected]
point_of_contact 7 [email protected]
point_of_contact 8 [email protected]
resource-type series
[{"name": "Mariupol Marine Hydrometeorological Station, Ukrainian HMS", "roles": ["originator"]}, {"name": "Ukrainian scientific center of Ecology of Sea (UkrSCES)", "roles": ["originator"]}, {"name": "Hellenic Centre for Marine Research, Hellenic National Oceanographic Data Centre (HCMR/HNODC)", "roles": ["originator"]}, {"name": "Odessa Branch of SOI (State Oceanographic Institute)", "roles": ["originator"]}, {"name": "Laboratory of Marine Ecology-Central Laboratory of General Ecology", "roles": ["originator"]}, {"name": "Institute of Fishery Resources (IFR)", "roles": ["originator"]}, {"name": "Institute of Oceanology, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (IO-BAS)", "roles": ["originator"]}, {"name": "National Institute for Marine Research and Development \"Grigore Antipa\"", "roles": ["author", "originator"]}, {"name": "P.P. Shirshov Institute of Oceanology, Atlantic Branch", "roles": ["originator"]}, {"name": "Bulgarian National Oceanographic Data Centre(BGODC), Institute of Oceanology", "roles": ["originator"]}, {"name": "Institute of Marine Sciences, Middle East Technical University", "roles": ["originator"]}, {"name": "Marine Hydrophysical Institute", "roles": ["originator"]}, {"name": "North-Caucasus Regional Administration of Hydrometeorology of Roshydromet", "roles": ["originator"]}, {"name": "Odessa National I.I.Mechnikov University", "roles": ["originator"]}, {"name": "Ukrainian Hydrometeorological Institute - Marine Branch", "roles": ["originator"]}, {"name": "Nothern Regional Administration of Hydrometeorology of Roshydromet", "roles": ["originator"]}, {"name": "Sinop University, Fisheries Faculty", "roles": ["originator"]}, {"name": "Kuban offing station, North-Caucasus HMS", "roles": ["originator"]}, {"name": "Dokuz Eylul University, Institute of Marine Science and Technology", "roles": ["originator"]}, {"name": "Iv.Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University, Centre of Relations with UNESCO Oceanological Research Centre and GeoDNA (UNESCO)", "roles": ["originator"]}, {"name": "Southern Scientific Research Institute of Marine Fisheries and Oceanography", "roles": ["originator"]}]
{"type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [[[27.0, 40.0], [41.95, 40.0], [41.95, 47.95], [27.0, 47.95], [27.0, 40.0]]]}
spatial-reference-system WGS 84 (EPSG 4326)
spatial_harvester true
system:type Series
temporal-extent-begin 1976-03-01
temporal-extent-end 2013-11-30
topic_category oceans
Management Info
Field Value
Maintainer bluebridge_catalogue_one
Last Updated 17 September 2020, 03:05 (CEST)
Created 17 September 2020, 03:05 (CEST)