Descriptive Epidemiological Evidence

Descriptive epidemiological evidence refers to generation of hypotheses concerning the food vehicle of an outbreak by systematic collection of information on outbreak cases, description of the outbreak with regard to time, place and person, and examination of the characteristics (e.g. age, sex, race/ethnicity, residence, occupation, recent travel or attendance at events) of those who are ill. It includes the systematic evaluation of cases’ food histories, as the identification of common food exposures, by using consistent and standardised means (such as standard trawling questionnaires) to obtain information from all, or an appropriate subset of, outbreak cases about food consumed in the period when infection is likely to have occurred

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Field Value
Authors ORION Consortium
DOI 10.2903/sp.efsa.2017.EN-1174
PublicationTitle Manual for reporting on food-borne outbreaks in accordance with Directive 2003/99/EC for information deriving from the year 2016
PublicationType Guidelines/ Manual
PublicationYear 2017
Publisher ORION Consortium
Glossary Term Classification
Field Value
Category Epidemiology
ModifiedDefinition true
Sector Food Safety
Additional Info
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Provided by: EJP ORION project
system:type GlossaryTerm
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Author taras_guenther
Last Updated 29 April 2020, 02:26 (CEST)
Created 3 September 2019, 13:21 (CEST)