Active Surveillance

A system based on the public health officials' initiative to contact the physicians laboratory or hospital staff or other relevant sources to report data. Active surveillance typically generates high-quality data (high levels of completeness, validity and timeliness) through a direct link with data providers. Active surveillance relies on a prompt response from public health professionals, who will usually monitor replies and can respond to low response rates in order to improve external completeness.

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Field Value
Authors European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC)
DOI doi 10.2900/35329
PublicationTitle Data quality monitoring and surveillance system evaluation A handbook of methods and applications
PublicationType Technical Document
PublicationYear 2014
Publisher European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC)
Glossary Term Classification
Field Value
Category Type of study
ModifiedDefinition false
Sector Public Health
Additional Info
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Provided by: EJP ORION project
system:type GlossaryTerm
Management Info
Field Value
Author taras_guenther
Last Updated 29 April 2020, 02:31 (CEST)
Created 3 September 2019, 13:24 (CEST)