25 Years of the WOFOST cropping systems model

The WOFOST cropping systems model has been applied operationally over the last 25 years as part of the MARS crop yield forecasting system. In this paper we provide an updated description of the model and reflect on the lessons learned over the last 25 years. The latter includes issues like system performance, model sensitivity, spatial model setup, parameterization and calibration approaches as well as software implementation and version management. Particularly for spatial model calibrations we provide experience and guidelines on how to execute calibrations and how to evaluate WOFOST model simulation results, particularly under conditions of limited field data availability. (De Wit et al., 2018)

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Author Knapen Rob
Maintainer Knapen Rob
Version 1
Last Updated 25 June 2019, 09:00 (CEST)
Created 25 June 2019, 09:00 (CEST)