Toy Model for Testing

description of a system using mathematical concepts and language. The process of developing a mathematical model is termed mathematical modeling. Mathematical models are used in the natural sciences (such as physics, biology, earth science, chemistry) and engineering disciplines (such as computer science, electrical engineering), as well as in the social sciences (such as economics, psychology, sociology, political science).Objective is to test, whether all metadata are displayed correctly

Data and Resources
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Model scope
Field Value
Hazard Monoammonium glutamate
Hazard Salmonella Daarle
Hazard norovirus Norwalk like virus
Population human consumer men
Population human consumer adult
Population human consumer no age specification
Product Meat preparations of meat offals blood animal fats fresh chilled or frozen salted in brine
Product Tomatoes
Product Lettuce
Model parameters
Field Value
Input Parameter r: dimensionless( DOUBLE), Default: 0.086
Input Parameter eta: kcal/portion( DOUBLE), Default: 0.00255
Input Parameter beta: Inertia( DOUBLE), Default: 0.055
Input Parameter alpha: month( DOUBLE), Default: 0.04
Input Parameter Dose_matrix: kGy/h( FILE), Default: as.matrix(read.table(file =Dose_matrix.csv,sep=,, header = TRUE, row.names=1))
Output Parameter prev1000: Bq/L( DOUBLE)
Output Parameter prev100: objects/g( DOUBLE)
Output Parameter prev18: g/daily portion( DOUBLE)
Output Parameter meanPos: month( DOUBLE)
Output Parameter nIll: mg( DOUBLE)
Output Parameter nInf: PFU/25g( DOUBLE)
Additional Info
Field Value
Model Author Mosley, Steve, [email protected]
Model Creator Parker, Peter, [email protected]
Model Creator Romanov, Natalia, [email protected]
Model ID Toy_Model_Generic_01
Model Language R 3
ReadMe This model is made available in the FSK-ML format, i.e. as .fskx file. To execute the model or to perform model-based predictions it is recommended to use the software FSK-Lab. FSK-Lab is an open-source extension of the open-source data analytics platform KNIME. To install FSK-Lab follow the installation instructions available at: Once FSK-Lab is installed a new KNIME workflow should be created and the FSKX Reader node should be dragged into it. This FSKX Reader node can be configured to read in the given .fskx file. To perform a model-based prediction connect the out-port of the FSKX Reader node with the FSK Simulation Configurator JS node to adjust if necessary input parameters and store this into a user defined simulation setting, After that connect the output port with the input of a FSK Runner node that perform the simulation and look at the results at the node's outport.This is a Readme file.
Reference Description Bourne Identity DOI: 10.5072/zenodo.219114
Reference Description Dose Response Models For Infectious Gastroenteritis DOI: 10.1111/j.1539-6924.1999.tb01143.x
Reference Description Norwalk virus: How infectious is it? DOI: 10.1002/jmv.21237
Reference Description Quantitative Risk Assessment of Norovirus Transmission in Food Establishments: Evaluating the Impact of Intervention Strategies and Food Employee Behavior on the Risk Associated with Norovirus in Foods DOI: 10.1111/risa.12758
system:type FSKXModel
Management Info
Field Value
Author thomas_schueler
Last Updated 21 July 2022, 19:07 (CEST)
Created 20 January 2021, 16:07 (CET)