Ready-to-eat Food

Food intended by the producer or the manufacturer for direct human consumption without the need for cooking or other processing effective to eliminate or reduce to anacceptable level micro-organisms of concern

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Field Value
Authors European Parliament, Council of the European Union
Journal Official Journal of the European Union
PublicationTitle Commission Regulation (EC) No 2073/2005 of 15 November 2005 on microbiological criteria for foodstuffs
PublicationType EU Directive/Regulation
PublicationYear 2005
Publisher Official website of European Union law and other public documents of the European Union (EUR-Lex)
Glossary Term Classification
Field Value
Category Sampling and laboratory testing
ModifiedDefinition false
Sector Animal Health
Additional Info
Field Value
Provided by: EJP ORION project
system:type GlossaryTerm
Management Info
Field Value
Author taras_guenther
Last Updated 29 April 2020, 02:32 (CEST)
Created 3 September 2019, 13:25 (CEST)