165 items found

Licenses: Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike 4.0 Organisations: BlueBRIDGE Project

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  • Application

    Bioclimate Hcaf

    A transducer algorithm that generates an Half-degree Cells Authority File (HCAF) dataset for a certain time frame, with environmental parameters used by the AquaMaps approach....
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  • Application


    A clustering algorithm for real valued vectors that relies on the density-based spatial clustering of applications with noise (DBSCAN) algorithm. A maximum of 4000 points is...
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  • Application

    Feed Forward Neural Network Regressor

    The algorithm simulates a real-valued vector function using a trained Feed Forward Artificial Neural Network and returns a table containing the function actual inputs and the...
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  • Application

    Aquamaps Suitable

    Algorithm by Aquamaps on a single node - Process category: Species Simulation
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  • Service

    D4Science Spatial Data Repository

    A repository of datasets hosted by D4Science. Datasets include species distribution maps, ...
    • WCS
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    • WCS
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    • WFS
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    • WFS
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    • WMS
      The resource: 'Web Map Service 1.1.1' is not accessible as guest user. You must login to access it!
    • WMS
      The resource: 'Web Map Service 1.3.0' is not accessible as guest user. You must login to access it!
    • TMS
      The resource: 'Tile Map Server 1.0.0' is not accessible as guest user. You must login to access it!
    • WMS-C
      The resource: 'WMS Tile Caching 1.1.1' is not accessible as guest user. You must login to access it!
    • WMS-C
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    • HTML
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  • Application

    Hcaf Filter

    An algorithm producing a HCAF table on a selected Bounding Box (default identifies Indonesia) - Process category: Filtering
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  • Application


    Algorithm that allows to perform a smart sample operation on a table - Process category: Databases
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  • Service

    Species Observations Per Area

    An algorithm producing a bar chart for the distribution of a species along a certain type of marine area (e.g. LME or MEOW) - Process category: Obis Observations Species Data
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  • Application

    Geo Interpolation

    An algorithm to geographically interpolate punctual observation data. Based on a connector to the SeaDataNet infrastructure, this version automatically estimates the correlation...
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  • Application

    Bionym Local

    A fast version of the algorithm implementing BiOnym, a flexible workflow approach to taxon name matching. The workflow allows to activate several taxa names matching algorithms...
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  • Application

    Mpa Intersect V3 2

    The algorithm will perform an intersection operation and compute the intersected area for each feature based on user inputs. If user will assign a url in MPA_Shapefile_Url text...
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  • Application

    Generic Charts

    An algorithm producing generic charts of attributes vs. quantities. Charts are displayed per quantity column. Histograms, Scattering and Radar charts are produced for the top...
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  • Application

    Geo Chart

    An algorithm producing a charts that displays quantities as colors of countries. The color indicates the sum of the values recorded in a country. - Process category: Charts
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  • Service


    BiOnym is a domain-specific framework and an environment to compare high volumes of names between registries.
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  • Service

    Aquaculture Atlas Generation Spatial Data Catalog

    Connect spatial information communities and their data using a modern architecture, which is at the same time powerful and low cost, based on International and Open Standards...
    • CSW
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    • GEORSS
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    • OAI-PMH
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    • Z39.50
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  • Application

    Most Observed Species

    An algorithm producing a bar chart for the most observed species in a certain years range (with respect to the OBIS database) - Process category: Obis Observations Species Data
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  • Application

    Italian Events Recognition Ner

    An algorithm to extract Events as Named Entities, based on the EventPro module of the TextPro-Ita Open Source-GPL software available at bitbucket.org/qwaider/textpro-ita. Works...
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  • Application

    Aaps Staging Publisher

    AAPS Shapefiles publisher to staging workspace - Process category: Data Publishers
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  • Application


    The AquaMaps model trained using a Feed Forward Neural Network. This is a method to train a generic Feed Forward Artifical Neural Network to be used by the AquaMaps Neural...
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  • Application

    Bioclimate Hspen

    A transducer algorithm that generates a table containing species envelops (HSPEN) in time, i.e. models capturing species tolerance with respect to environmental parameters, used...
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