Csv To Netcdf Converter Xy
A process to convert a generic CSV file into a basic NetCDF one having 2 dimensions (latitude, longitude) - Process category: Geo Processing -
New technologies facilitating the management and assessment of data-limited f...
This tutorial highlights what are the growing need for data-limited methods and the limitations of currently available tools and then explores the iMarine/BlueBRIDGE solutions... -
Mesh Generator
This algorithm generates a 3D mesh in OBJ format from an input of JPEG images provided as a zip file. It relies on the PhotoScan software by AgiSoft. - Process category: Image... -
BlueBRIDGE Virtual Research Environment
The Virtual Research Environment specifically devised to support the BlueBRIDGE project activities and discussions. Only members of the BlueBRIDGE consortium have access to...-
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Step 1 Vpa Iccat Bft E Retros
STEP 1: ICCAT (Eastern) Bluefin Tuna Stock Assessment. This set of R and Fortran code have been provided by ICCAT and IFremer to execute the whole Stock assessment workflow...-
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ICES Introduction to the R environment 2017 Virtual Research Environment
This VLab was conceived and used to support the ICES training course on Introduction to the R Environment (Date: 21 August - 25 August 2017, Location: Copenhagen, Denmark). In...-
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D4Science Spatial Data Repository
A repository of datasets hosted by D4Science. Datasets include species distribution maps, ...-
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Presence Cells Generation
An algorithm producing cells and features (HCAF) for a species containing presence points - Process category: Occurrences-
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Raster Data Publisher
This algorithm publishes a raster file as a maps or datasets in the e-Infrastructure. NetCDF-CF files are encouraged, as WMS and WCS maps will be produced using this format. For...-
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Occurrences Intersector
A transducer algorithm that produces a table of species occurrence points that are contained in both the two starting tables where points equivalence is identified via user... -
FrenchTropicalTunaAtlas Virtual Research Environment
In the context of the Data Collection Framework, the french tropical tuna fisheries data are collected by the French Research Institute for Sustainable Development (IRD). From...-
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Fao Ocean Area Column Creator From Quadrant
An algorithm that adds a column containing the FAO Ocean Area codes associated to longitude, latitude and quadrant columns. - Process category: Geo Processing-
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An algorithm to estimate Length-Weight relationship parameters for marine species, using Bayesian methods. Runs an R procedure. Based on the Cube-law theory. - Process category:...-
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Managing tuna fisheries data at a global scale - the Tuna Atlas VRE - Webinar
The Tuna Atlas VRE is a tool to handle public domain data from various (Tuna) Regional Fisheries Management Organizations. Tuna Atlas provides services to discover the...-
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GRSF Admin Virtual Research Environment
The GRSF Admin VRE is tied up with the GRSF one and it provides authorized users with an environment and tools for building an integrated catalogue on stocks and fisheries...-
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Time Series Analysis
An algorithms applying signal processing to a non uniform time series. A maximum of 10000 distinct points in time is allowed to be processed. The process uniformly samples the... -
Taxonomy Observations Trend Per Year
Algorithm returning most observations taxonomy trend in a specific years range (with respect to the OBIS database) - Process category: Obis Observations Trends-
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Algorithm that allows to perform a sample operation on a table - Process category: Databases-
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Sustainable Blue Economy Virtual Research Environment
This Virtual Research Environment is conceived to showcase the potential and dynamics of the Blue Economy Tools to policy makers, stakeholders and investors through a...-
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Ichthyop Model One By One
This R code packages some extraction to get observed trajectories from data sources (FADs or Drifters) and the execution of Ichthyop driven by OSCAR data to confront simulation...-
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