EMODnet submarine landslide point (1:100k)
Submarine landslides, detected on the seabed, outcropping or buried, mapped by various national and regional mapping projects and recovered in the literature. Points represent... -
Areal Extent of Live Hard Coral (Essential Ocean Variable)
This layer shows the current known extent of Live Hard Coral in European waters, collated by EMODnet Seabed Habitats. Lophelia pertusa and Coral gardens are both on the OSPAR...-
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Sea Level Index Point
Primary and Secondary Sea Level Index Points. Where information is available on the genesis of the index point it is given. Chronological information is presented as calendar... -
EMODnet Maërl bed occurences (points) in the Mediterranean Sea
Point data of occurrences of Maerl beds from dataset Coralligenous and mäerl beds distribution along the Mediterranean coasts - Mediterranean Sensitive Habitats (MEDISEH). A lot...-
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EMODnet Human Activities: Ocean Energy Test Sites
The geodatabase on Ocean Energy test sites in the EU was created in 2016 by AZTI-Tecnalia for the European Marine Observation and Data Network (EMODnet). It is the result of the... -
EMODnet Occurrences of coralligenous outcrop (points)
Coral point distributions form dataset Coralligenous and mäerl beds distribution along the Mediterranean coasts - Mediterranean Sensitive Habitats (MEDISEH). A lot for...-
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Terrace - polygons
Terraces are defined as a step-like landform and can be sub-divided thus: 1. Marine (1a: erosional / 1b: depositional); 2. Fluvial (2a: erosional / 2b: depositional); 3.... -
Tsunamis Origin Points (100k)
Locations of events which originated tsunamis, mapped by various national and regional mapping projects and recovered in the literature. Wherever possible, connected events...-
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EMODnet Gridded abundances of marine species (10 year average)
This dataproduct consists of a set of gridded map layers showing the average abundance of different species of species groups for different time windows (seasonal, annual or...-
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EMODnet Human Activities: Freshwater farming sites
The dataset provides information about the location of freshwater finfish farms in the EU and partner countries where data are available. There is an obligation for EU MS to... -
Archaeological Feature - point
Submerged archaeological sites subdivided as: Cave site; Open air site; Settlement; Other. Chronological information is presented as calendar age BP. Confidence is... -
EMODnet OOPS products
Shapefile containing a set of gridded map layers showing the average abundance of the six most abundant Copepod species from the CPR for different time windows (seasonal,...-
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EUSeaMap2 (2016) Broad-Scale Predictive Habitat Map - Confidence
Confidence in the full output of the 2016 EUSeaMap broad-scale predictive model, produced by EMODnet Seabed Habitats. Values are on a range from 1 (Low confidence) to 3 (High...-
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Submarine landslides, detectable on the seabed, outcropping or buried, mapped by various national and regional mapping projects and recovered in the literature. Locally... -
Coastal migration via satellite data (0-40k)
Thanks to the public availability of satellite data (optical imagery of ESA Sentinel 2 and NASA Landsat 5, 7 & 8 with pixel resolutions of 10-30 metres and a revisit time of... -
Estuary - polygons
Relict estuary landform defined as a partially enclosed coastal body of brackish water with one or more rivers or streams flowing into it and a free connect to the open... -
EMODnet Digital Bathymetry (DTM 2016)
The "EMODnet Digital Bathymetry (DTM)" is a multilayer bathymetric product for Europe’s sea basins covering:: • the Greater North Sea, including the Kattegat and stretches of...-
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EMODnet Cymodocea nodosa beds distribution
Cymodocea nodosa beds distribution (presence points) in the Mediterranean Sea. Contact person is MAREA Consortium, [email protected]-
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Seabed Substrate Map 1:50k Seabed Substrate Map 1:50k Seabed Substrate Map 1:50k
Seabed substrate map of the European marine areas including (e.g. the Baltic Sea, the Greater North Sea, the Celtic Sea, the Iberian Coast, and the Mediterranean Sea within EU...-
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Delta - lines
Polyline defining the margin of a former delta. A delta is formed by deposition of sediment transported via river as it enters slower-moving / stagnant body of water such as a...