23 items found

Licenses: Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike 4.0

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    Private Natura 2000 protected areas of Greece

    The Natura 2000 Network is a European Ecological Network of sites which host natural habitat types and habitats of species that are important at a European level. Today Greece...
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    Private Coastal_Water_Surfaces

    This dataset contains the boundaries of the Coastal Water Surfaces of Greece. Coastal water is the surface water on the landward side of a line, every point of which is at a...
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    Private GeoServer Web Feature Service

    This is the reference implementation of WFS 1.0.0 and WFS 1.1.0, supports all WFS operations including Transaction.
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    Private Aquafarm Cages in Greece

    Layer containing the locations of aquafarm cages in greek coastal areas
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    Private Greek_Cities

    Capitals of the prefectures of Greece
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    Private GeoServer Web Feature Service

    This is the reference implementation of WFS 1.0.0 and WFS 1.1.0, supports all WFS operations including Transaction.
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    Private nama_10r_2coe

    Compensation of employees by NUTS 2 regions
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    Private Greece LAU-2 Administrative Units

    Specifies the LAU-2 administrative units in Greece
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    Private Coastal Water Surfaces

    This dataset contains the boundaries of the Coastal Water Surfaces of Greece. Coastal water is the surface water on the landward side of a line, every point of which is at a...
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    Private Aquafarm Locations in Greece

    Layer containing the locations of aquafarms in greek coastal areas
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    Private Minimum wages

    Minimum wage statistics refer to national minimum wages. The following data are available: Monthly minimum wages in euro, national currencies and Purchasing Power Standards...
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    Private GeoServer Web Feature Service

    This is the reference implementation of WFS 1.0.0 and WFS 1.1.0, supports all WFS operations including Transaction.
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    Private Greek population by LAU-2

    Greek population by LAU-2
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    Private bd_size_r3

    Business demography by size class and NUTS 3 regions
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    Private CBASS

    This layer is generated by geoanalytics functions
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    Private Beach_water_quality

    Beach water quality
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    Private Natura 2000 protected areas of Greece

    The Natura 2000 Network is a European Ecological Network of sites which host natural habitat types and habitats of species that are important at a European level. Today Greece...
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    Private Aquafarm Locations in Greece

    Layer containing the locations of aquafarms in greek coastal areas
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    Private Coastal Water Surfaces

    This dataset contains the boundaries of the Coastal Water Surfaces of Greece. Coastal water is the surface water on the landward side of a line, every point of which is at a...
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    Private Aquafarm Cages in Greece

    Layer containing the locations of aquafarm cages in greek coastal areas