18 items found

Tags: Opinion Dynamics and Diffusion

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  • Experiment

    Online polarization: enriching models with data, understanding data through m...

    Development of online polarization dynamics models and application to social media discussion data
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  • Dataset

    Brexit dataset

    This dataset comprises a set of online footprints extracted from Twitter using the available APIs. It is centered around the Brexit debate on Twitter from the 2nd until the...
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  • Method

    Reducing radicalizism in social networks by feeds prioritization - Rebalancin...

    Code and description of the methodology of the paper "Rebalancing Social Feed to Minimize Polarization and Disagreement" funded by SoBigData ++
  • Dataset

    Italian Tourism Dataset

    A set of users' comments crawled and scraped from two main touristic websites (Booking.com and Tripadvisor.com) related to main touristic point of interests in Italy and, in...
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  • Experiment

    Minimizing Hitting Time between Disparate Groups with Shortcut Edges

    Experiments on real-world datasets to evaluate the effectiveness of the algorithms proposed in paper...
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  • Method

    Digital DNA fingerprinting

    The "Digital DNA fingerprinting" is a spambot detection technique based on the "Digital DNA" online behavioral modeling technique. Given a set of Twitter user timelines, it is...
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  • Method

    Polarizing opinion vectors with the Friedkin-Johnsen Model

    This code contains two Mathematica notebooks to find the polarizing opinion vectors given the social graph and the nodes’ susceptibility. The notebooks have to be saved in the...
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  • Method

    Reducing Graph Structural Bias by Adding shortcut edges

    Algorithms that tackle the problem of minimizing average/maximum hitting time (BMAH/BMMH) between different social network groups, given fixed shortcut edges. The...
    • Data
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  • Experiment

    Multi-flow Composition in video streaming channels

    This experiment is part the project "Streams of conspiratorial folklore" that investigates online media as a stream of performances, rather than as archives of documents. Our...
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  • Dataset

    Covid infodemic in Italy -- Most retweeted accounts

    Top 10 most retweeted accounts on Covid-related keywords, between Jan 30 and Mar 20, 2020.
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  • Experiment

    Studying the streaming of the Capitol Raid

    This experiment is part the project "Streams of conspiratorial folklore" that investigates online media as a stream of performances, rather than as archives of documents. Our...
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  • Experiment

    Rhythm management in video streaming channels

    This experiment is part the project "Streams of conspiratorial folklore" that investigates online media as a stream of performances, rather than as archives of documents. Our...
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  • Method

    Polarized User and Topic Tracking

    This method provides an iterative classification of users and keywords in Digital traces of conversations in micro-blogging platforms and in OSNs. The method identifies...
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  • Method

    Retweet cascade estimation and analysis

    A collection of scripts for the estimation and analysis of a "retweet cascade", i.e., the tree structure describing how the original tweet was spread by retweeters.
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  • Method


    Network Diffusion Library REST Service. This project offers a REST interface for the NDlib Python library.
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  • Method


    Ndlib is a Network diffusion library that contains a set of models to simulate disease spreading and opinion dynamics.
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    Private Human-agent coordination in a group formation game

    Coordination and cooperation between humans and autonomous agents in cooperative games raise interesting questions on human decision making and behaviour changes. Here we report...