MyWay - Trajectory Prediction
MyWay is a prediction system which exploits the individual systematic behaviors modeled by mobility profiles to predict human movements. MyWay provides three strategies: the... -
Blood sample profile helps to injury forecasting in elite soccer players
Hematocrit, Hemoglobin, number of red blood cells, testosterone, and ferritin were the most important features that allowed to profile players and to analyze the response to... -
SDNN24 Estimation from Semi-Continuous HR Measures
The standard deviation of the interval between QRS complexes recorded over 24 h (SDNN24) is an important metric of cardiovascular health. Wrist-worn fitness wearable devices... -
Diary-based Trajectory Generator
Ditras (DIary-based TRAjectory Simulator) is a framework to simulate the spatio-temporal patterns of human mobility. It operates in two steps: the generation of a mobility... -
Soccer & data cup - Expo Dubai 2020
Soccer & Data Cup at Expo Dubai 2020 will be a 3-days international hybrid marathon of Sport Analytics combining fundamental techniques of data analysis and Artificial... -
Influence of missing RR-Intervals caused by motion artifacts on HRV features ...
Wearable physiological monitors have become increasingly popular, often worn during people’s daily life, collecting data 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. In the last decade,... -
Ground truth evaluation of home location detection algorithms
Inferring mobile phone users' home location, i.e., assigning a location in space to a user based on data generated by the mobile phone network, is a central task in leveraging... -
Ski event participation trends and motivational profiles of women
Mass participation sporting events (MPSEs) are viewed as encouraging regular exercise in the population, but concerns have been expressed about the extent to which they are... -
Interaction bias. Experiments dataset
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is increasingly used to build Decision Support Systems (DSS) across many domains. In our work, we conducted a series of experiments designed to...-
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Physiological recovery among workers in long-distance sleddog race: a case st...
During Finnmarksløpet (FL, one of the longest distance sleddog races in the world), veterinarians are exposed to extreme environmental conditions and tight working schedules,... -
Estimating and understanding countries' peace index with GDELT
Our objective is to measure the Global Peace Index (GPI) at a monthly frequency, as compared to the official annual GPI score, to have more frequent updates of peacefulness.... -
Nowcasting well-being with human mobility data
This method describes an analytical framework to nowcast well-being by using mobility measures extracted from mobile phone data. -
Experiment for Mobility Constrained Segregation Models
We propose a segregation model incorporating mobility constraints to make agents select their location based on distance and location relevance. This study fills this gap by... -
Analysis of changes in visits to public venues during the COVID-19 pandemic
The non-pharmaceutical interventions (NPIs), aimed at reducing the diffusion of the COVID-19 pandemic, has dramatically influenced our behaviour in everyday life. We developed... -
M-Atlas is a mobility querying and data mining system centered onto the concept of spatio-temporal data. Besides the mechanisms for storing and querying trajectory data,... -
STS-EPR - Trajectory generator
Modelling human mobility is crucial in several scientific areas, from urban planning to epidemic modeling, traffic forecasting, and what-if analysis. Existing models focus on...-
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Mobility Profile
This algorithm allows to create a mobility profile of the users' mobility. A mobility profile is a set of representative trips selected from the entire set of trips of a user. -
A Narrative Review for a Machine Learning Application in Sports: An Example B...
In the last decade, the number of studies about machine learning algorithms applied to sports, e.g., injury forecasting and athlete performance prediction, have rapidly... -
Visualizing the Results of Biclustering and Boolean Matrix Factorization Algo...
This archive contains the code to visualize biclusters from the paper "Visualizing Overlapping Biclusterings and Boolean Matrix Factorizations" by Thibault Marette, Pauli...