124 items found

Groups: Societal Debates and Misinformation

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  • Method

    Summa Text Summarization (Es)

    The SUMMA Text Summarization (ES) uses the SUMMA toolkit developed by Horacio Saggion to provide a generic Spanish document summarizer.
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  • Method

    GATE Cloud COVID-19 Misinformation Categoriser

    A machine learning classifier trained to categorise claims about COVID-19 into 10 categories proposed by the Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism - Public authority...
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  • Method

    DecarboNet Environmental Annotator

    The DecarboNet environmental annotation service identifies named entities, environmental terms, linguistic features and sentiment in social media texts.
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  • Application


    WAT is an entity linker, namely a tool that identifies meaningful substrings (called "spots") in an unstructured English text and link each of them to the unambiguous entity...
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  • Method

    Part Of Speech Tagger For Tweets

    This service tags tweets with part-of-speech information, e.g. nouns and verbs.
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  • Method

    Web Archive Collection Extractor

    This method extracts event-centric collections of Web Archives through a focused crawling method. The key of this method is to adapt focused Web crawling to previously collected...
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  • Method

    GATE Cloud URL Domain Analysis

    Service that takes a list of URLs and assigns to each information on what multiple organisations who analyse the credibility of online content have said about the domain (or...
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  • Method

    GATE Cloud Rumour Veracity Classifier

    User generated content such as tweets often make claims that are unsubstantiated and possibly untrue. This service attempts to classify whether a text is discussing a rumour...
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  • Method

    Ephemerality metric

    https://github.com/HPAI-BSC/ephemerality Code for calculating the ephemerality metrics that can be used to estimate how "ephemeral" discussion topics are based on their...
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  • Method

    German Named Entity Recognizer For Tweets

    This method analyses German tweets for names of persons, locations and organizations. It also performs normalization of abbreviations and commonTwitter slang.
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  • Method

    Polarizing opinion vectors with the Friedkin-Johnsen Model

    This code contains two Mathematica notebooks to find the polarizing opinion vectors given the social graph and the nodes’ susceptibility. The notebooks have to be saved in the...
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  • Method

    GATE Cloud Brexit Tweet Analysis

    A pipeline designed to detect political topics, hashtags, URLs, user mention, and hashtag-based voting intentions, expressed in tweets about the UK referendum on membership of...
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  • Experiment

    Pluralistic Recommendation in News - Report

    Report on the Humane-AI microproject "Pluralistic Recommendation in News". It contains details on how the two relevant datasets were built, a link to the two, and details...
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  • Method

    Reducing Graph Structural Bias by Adding shortcut edges

    Algorithms that tackle the problem of minimizing average/maximum hitting time (BMAH/BMMH) between different social network groups, given fixed shortcut edges. The...
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  • Method

    GATE Cloud COVID-19 Vaccine Text Categoriser

    A machine learning classifier trained to categorise text about COVID-19 vaccines into 6 categories - Liberty or Freedom; Development, Provision and Access; Safety, Efficacy...
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  • Experiment

    Multi-flow Composition in video streaming channels

    This experiment is part the project "Streams of conspiratorial folklore" that investigates online media as a stream of performances, rather than as archives of documents. Our...
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  • Application

    Twitter Monitor

    The Twitter Monitor is an interactive Web application designed to access the Twitter stream by exploiting the public Twitter Streaming APIs. The application can manage...
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  • Method

    Noun Phrase Chunker

    Base Noun Phrase Chunker, producing NounChunk annotations.
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  • Method

    Cymrie Welsh Named Entity Recognizer

    The CYMRIE named entity recognition is a service for the analysis of Welsh text. It identifies name of persons, locations, organizations, as well as money amounts, time and...
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