Behavioural science:
the systematic analysis and investigation of determinants and mental processes resulting in human behaviour. Behavioural science uses a range of methods, ranging from... -
organisations or persons directly using the Emerging Risk Knowledge Exchange Platform (ERKEP) -
is obtained via analysis and synthesis of information and it contains the data, information and the relationships between all those entities. Rules and organizing principles... -
organisations or persons with an interest in efficient knowledge exchange in the emerging risk identification area. -
Emerging Risk Knowledge Exchange Platform (ERKEP):
is a technical resource based on KNIME Server infrastructure hosted at BfR supporting the exchange of data analytics workflows for emerging risk identification. -
Citizen science:
the general public engagement in scientific research activities when citizens actively contribute to science either with their intellectual effort or surrounding knowledge or... -
is a set of techniques or processes aiming for acquiring new knowledge or integrating previous knowledge[22].(see section 2) -
is processed (categorized, transformed, etc.) data. The processing is directed at increasing the usefulness to interested stakeholders, to make coherent observations about the... -
Private 04_Report_with_Radarplot_and_R_3.knwf
example KNIME workflow