155 items found

Licenses: Academic Free License 3.0

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  • Method

    Cybersecurity NER SecureBERT model

    This method includes a Python script and files of a SecureBERT model fine-tuned on our Cybersecurity NER dataset. The method requires as input a list of sentences that will be...
    • JSON
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    • TXT
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    • BIN
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    • JSON
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    • ZIP
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    • ZIP
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    • JSON
      The resource: 'special_tokens_map' is not accessible as guest user. You must login to access it!
    • JSON
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    • JSON
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    • ZIP
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    • TXT
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    • text/x-python
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  • ConferencePaper

    Characterising different communities of Twitter users: migrants and natives

    Today, many users are actively using Twitter to express their opinions and to share information. Thanks to the availability of the data, researchers have studied behaviours...
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  • JournalArticle

    Origin and destination attachment: study of cultural integration on Twitter

    The cultural integration of immigrants conditions their overall socio-economic integration as well as natives’ attitudes towards globalisation in general and immigration in...
    • HTML
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  • Method

    Cybersecurity NER RoBERTa-base model

    This method includes a Python script and files of a RoBERTa-base model fine-tuned on our Cybersecurity NER dataset. The method requires as input a list of sentences that will...
    • JSON
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    • TXT
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    • BIN
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    • JSON
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    • ZIP
      The resource: 'scheduler' is not accessible as guest user. You must login to access it!
    • JSON
      The resource: 'special_tokens_map' is not accessible as guest user. You must login to access it!
    • JSON
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    • ZIP
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    • JSON
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    • JSON
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    • ZIP
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    • py
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  • Access required...



    Private REPAIR Approach for Social-based City Reconstruction Planning in case of natu...

    Natural disasters always have several effects on human lives. It is challenging for governments to tackle these incidents and to rebuild the economic, social and physical...
  • Dataset

    y/Politics 1k

    Social simulation data generated using Y Social focused on political-related topics. Y Social is a Digital Twin of an online social media platform that allows researchers to...
    • ZIP
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  • JournalArticle

    Measuring the Salad Bowl: Superdiversity on Twitter

    Superdiversity refers to large cultural diversity in a population due to immigration. In this paper, we introduce a superdiversity index based on the changes in the emotional...
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  • Dataset

    Human and mouse gene regulatory networks

    The dataset was built by considering gene expression data related to 6 different organs (liver, lung, brain, skin, bone marrow, heart), obtained by control samples available...
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  • JournalArticle

    Combining Twitter and Mobile Phone Data to Observe Border-Rush: The Turkish-E...

    Following Turkey's 2020 decision to revoke border controls, many individuals journeyed towards the Greek, Bulgarian, and Turkish borders. However, the lack of verifiable...
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  • Access required...



    Private mamtorch library

    Python Multiply-And-Max/min (MAM) torch-compatible kernel library (https://github.com/SSIGPRO/mamtorch). With this library, it is possible to substitute standard neurons with...
  • ConferencePaper

    Digital footprints of international migration on twitter

    Studying migration using traditional data has some limitations. To date, there have been several studies proposing innovative methodologies to measure migration stocks and...
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  • TrainingMaterial

    Visual Media Analysis: A Research Toolkit

    A collection of resources and materials to perform visual media analysis, organised into three units: - Visual Media Analysis for Online Discourses: provides conceptual and...
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    • The resource: 'Visual Media Analysis with ...' is not accessible as guest user. You must login to access it!
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  • Method

    Online Learning of Order Flow and Market Impact (OLOFMI)

    This library performs regime detection in the aggregated order flow time-series and market impact analysis. The required input file is in the format of the message file of the...
  • Method

    Score-Driven Bayesian Online Change Point Detection (SD-BOCPD)

    This code deals with Bayesian online detection in univariate time-series of changepoints, i.e. abrupt variations in the generative parameters of a data, and regimes, i.e....
  • Dataset

    Common Crawl Financial News Dataset

    This dataset contains financial articles related to companies in the S&P500 index for the period from September 2016 to February 2020. The articles were extracted from the...
    • CSV
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  • Access required...



    Private A Decade of Reddit Politics: Comprehensive Dataset on User Political Leanings...

    "A Decade of Reddit Politics: Comprehensive Dataset on User Political Leanings and Interaction Networks (2011-2021)" is a comprehensive dataset containing a 10 years long...
  • Dataset

    Last.Fm UK User Graph Dataset: A Social Network and Music Listening Behavior ...

    The Last.Fm UK User Graph Dataset is a comprehensive collection of social network and music listening behavior data obtained from the Last.Fm platform. The dataset includes user...
    • Folder
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  • Experiment

    Online polarization: enriching models with data, understanding data through m...

    Development of online polarization dynamics models and application to social media discussion data
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  • Dataset

    Brexit dataset

    This dataset comprises a set of online footprints extracted from Twitter using the available APIs. It is centered around the Brexit debate on Twitter from the 2nd until the...
    • RAR
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  • Dataset

    Multi-sensor dataset of environmental office room conditions

    The Multi-sensor dataset of environmental conditions in smart office consists of time series data acquired from sensors deployed in smart office rooms located in ICAR-CNR, for...
    • RAR
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