Tsunamis Affected Coast Points (250k)
Locations of the main points along the coasts affected by tsunamis whose origin is unknown, mapped by various national and regional mapping projects and recovered in the...-
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Exclusive Economic Zones Boundaries (EEZ)
VLIZ (2012). Maritime Boundaries Geodatabase, version 7. Available online at http://www.marineregions.org/. Consulted on 2013-06-05. This dataset represents Exclusive Economic...-
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Bio-Oracle Salinity (Mean)
Mean Salinity (PSS). Aggregated between [1961-2009]. From Bio-Oracle: Tyberghein L., Verbruggen H., Pauly K., Troupin C., Mineur F. & De Clerck O. Bio-ORACLE: a global...-
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Evaporites (points)
Evaporites are crystalline sedimentary rocks that form by the evaporation of natural brines. Having complex mineralogy, there are many varieties of evaporites; the most... -
Statistical Mean from [01-16-01 01:00] to [12-16-01 01:00] (3D) {World Ocean ...
s_mn: Statistical Mean (1) in the time range between [01-16-01 01:00] and [12-16-01 01:00]. Time interval lenght: 11.006 months. Number of time instants: 12. Number of...-
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Sea-floor Pre-Quaternary Bedrock Geology
Pre-Quaternary -age This web map service shows the chronostratigraphic age of geological units of the seafloor originated earlier than 2,588 Ma from now (pre-Quaternary)....-
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EUSeaMap2 (2016) Broad-Scale Predictive Habitat Map - MSFD Benthic Broad Habi...
Output of the 2016 EUSeaMap broad-scale predictive model, produced by EMODnet Seabed Habitats and aggregated into the Benthic Broad Habitat Types of the Marine Strategy...-
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Statistical Mean from [01-16-01 01:00] to [12-16-01 01:00] (3D) {World Ocean ...
t_mn: Statistical Mean (degrees Celsius) in the time range between [01-16-01 01:00] and [12-16-01 01:00]. Time interval lenght: 11.006 months. Number of time instants: 12....-
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Sea-floor Geomorphology
The data were compiled by BGR from the EMODnet geology partner organisations in the EMODnet Geology project phase III between 2017 and 2019. The scale varies between 10 000 and...-
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Standard Error of the Statistical Mean in [07-01-01 01:00] (3D) {World Ocean ...
s_se: Standard Error of the Statistical Mean (1) in the time range between [07-01-01 01:00] and [07-01-01 01:00]. Time interval lenght: .0 secs. Number of time instants: 1....-
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Coastal migration via satellite data (40k-80k)
Thanks to the public availability of satellite data (optical imagery of ESA Sentinel 2 and NASA Landsat 5, 7 & 8 with pixel resolutions of 10-30 metres and a revisit time of... -
Objectively Analyzed Climatology in [07-01-01 01:00] (3D) {World Ocean Atlas ...
s_an: Objectively Analyzed Climatology (1) in the time range between [07-01-01 01:00] and [07-01-01 01:00]. Time interval lenght: .0 secs. Number of time instants: 1. Number of...-
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Standard Error of the Statistical Mean in [07-01-01 01:00] (3D) {World Ocean ...
t_se: Standard Error of the Statistical Mean (degrees Celsius) in the time range between [07-01-01 01:00] and [07-01-01 01:00]. Time interval lenght: .0 secs. Number of time...-
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Coastal and Submarine Springs
Coastal and submarine springs subdivided as: 1. Coastal; 2. Submarine; 3. Other. Where information on the genesis of the feature is available that is also given e.g. geological... -
Submarine Volcanoes Polygons (100k)
Submarine volcanic structures and eruption centers including hydrothermal activity, mapped by various national and regional mapping projects and recovered in the literature....-
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Marineregions: the intersect of the Exclusive Economic Zones and IHO areas
VLIZ (2010). Intersect of IHO Sea Areas and Exclusive Economic Zones (version 1). Available online at http://www.marineregions.org/. Consulted on 2013-06-05. VLIZ (2012)....-
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Polymetallic Nodules
The GSI, as partner and Work Package 7 (Minerals) leader of EMODnet Geology Phase II, are compiling information on Polumetallic nodules. EMODnet partners are submitting the... -
Salinity in [12-15-09 01:00] (3D) {Native grid ORCA025.L75 monthly average: D...
vosaline: Salinity (1e-3) in the time range between [12-15-09 01:00] and [12-15-09 01:00]. Time interval lenght: .0 secs. Number of time instants: 1. Number of Dimensions: 3....-
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Tsunamis Affected Coast Points (100k)
Locations of coasts affected by tsunamis of unknown origin, mapped by various national and regional mapping projects and recovered in the literature. In order to allow...-
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