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Licenses: Academic Free License 3.0 Types: TrainingMaterial

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  • TrainingMaterial

    Automated Methods of Urban Green Analysis

    The seminar aims at providing a preliminary definition of the state-of-the-art upon automatic methods for systematized urban green data collection. The talk focuses on the...
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  • TrainingMaterial

    Tutorials on anonymization and antidiscrimination of datasets

    These tutorials show how to use the already implemented libraries for the anonymization and antidiscrimination of data sets: - Anonymization library:...
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    • ipynb
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  • TrainingMaterial

    Mobility data sharing: application potential and ethical issues webinar

    4th SoBigData++ Awareness Panel Webinar Programme Decentralized anonymization of mobility data Speaker: Josep Domingo-Ferrer (Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Catalonia)...