Epidemic Sentiment Analysis
This tool is a sentiment analysis framework inspired by models of epidemic spreading, which aims to extend sentiment-tagged lexicons. It is easily extendable to multiple... -
GPS Tracks - Mestre, Italy 2010
This dataset contains about 87.000 GPS tracks of private vehicles in the area of Mestre collected in August 2010. -
GPS Tracks Pisa - Italy 2010
The dataset consists of 1.4 mln of GPS tracks of private vehicles in Tuscany in the area of Pisa. Data have been collected from 2010-12-01 to 2010-12-31. -
360° video footage from a bottom-up street-view survey in Pristina, Kosovo
This dataset contains 360° video footage from a bottom-up street-view survey in Pristina, Kosovo divided into major neighborhoods. -
The dataset consists of about 15 million of tweets which point to public Foursquare check-ins. -
Superdiversity and Sentiment
This method analysises the effect of the migration phenomena on the sentiment of a community. Under development. -
WEIBO interactions
This dataset is obtained from the 2012 WISE Challenge: built upon the logs of the popular Chinese micro-blog service WEIBO, its interactions represent mentions of users in...-
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GPS Tracks - Milan, Italy - Simulated
This datataset contains simulated tracks of private cars in Milan. The dataset is generated from a real dataset of people in order to respect some general statistics and...-
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Emergency Tweets 2012 Emilia earthquake
This dataset contains 3,170 Italian tweets about the earthquakes that stroke the Emilia Romagna regional district in Italy on 20 May 2012 starting from 4 a.m. local time...-
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Dynamics of Scientific Collaboration Networks Due to Academic Migrations
Academic migration is the change of host institution by a researcher, typically aimed at achieving a stronger research profile. Scientific features such as the number of...-
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GPS Tracks Tuscany by volunteers
This dataset contains GPS trajectories provided by volunteers travelling in Tuscany from 2014-05-20 to 2014-09-30. Besides the tracks, the volunteers provided annotations about... -
Emergency Tweets 2016 Amatrice earthquake
This dataset contais Italian tweets related to the earthquake of 2016 in the Centre of Italy (https://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Terremoto_del_Centro_Italia_del_2016_e_d...). is...-
The resource: 'EAQ-AMA.zip' is not accessible as guest user. You must login to access it!
Call Data Record Pisa 2012
The dataset contains mobile phone records collected in the province of Pisa in February 2012. It contains about 8 mln of Call Data Records (CDR) of about 230.000 phone users,... -
Economic Integration Model
This model allows to understand the integration process of immigrants starting from retail data. Under development. -
Emergency Tweets 2014 Genoa flood
This dataset contains Italian tweets collected during and in the aftermath of the floods that occurred near the city of Genoa between 9 and 11 October 2014...-
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Modelling Scientific Migration
This method is an adaptation of the general migration models to understand scientific migration. Under development. -
CDR data - Tuscany
The dataset contains mobile phone records collected in Tuscany between September 2015 and August 2016. It contains Call Data Records (CDRs) of phone users, and the corresponding... -
The dataset consists of about 418 million of tweets from June 25, 2015 to September 19, 2015. Tweets are about trending hashtags gathered though the public Twitter api. -
Emergency Tweets 2013 Sardinia flood
This dataset is related to the floods that occurred in the Sardinia regional district between 17 and 19 November 2013 (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2013_Sardinia_floods), as...-
The resource: 'FLO-SAR.zip' is not accessible as guest user. You must login to access it!
GPS Tracks - Calabria, Italy 2012
The dataset consists of GPS tracks of private vehicles collected in Calabria region (Italy). It counts about 28 mln of trajectories of about 115.000 users. Data are in the...