CDR data - Tuscany
The dataset contains mobile phone records collected in Tuscany between September 2015 and August 2016. It contains Call Data Records (CDRs) of phone users, and the corresponding... -
Emergency Tweets 2013 Sardinia flood
This dataset is related to the floods that occurred in the Sardinia regional district between 17 and 19 November 2013 (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2013_Sardinia_floods), as...-
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GPS Tracks - Calabria, Italy 2012
The dataset consists of GPS tracks of private vehicles collected in Calabria region (Italy). It counts about 28 mln of trajectories of about 115.000 users. Data are in the... -
Prediction of next career moves from scientific profiles
This is a two-stage predictive model for the mobility of scientists. First, data mining is used to predict which researcher will move in the next year on the basis of their... -
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Flickr and Wikipedia Tourism Trajectories
The dataset contains a knowledge base built with data coming from Flickr and Wikipedia. It covers three Italian cities which are important from a sightseeing point of view and...-
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Emergency Tweets 2011 Christchurch earthquake
This dataset contains tweets related to the devastating earthquake occurred on 22 February 2011, at around 12 p.m. local time in Christchurch, New Zealand...-
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CDR Data - Rome
The dataset contains mobile phone records collected in Rome between November 2015 and August 2016. It contains Call Data Records (CDRs) of phone users, and the corresponding... -
Nowcasting migration stocks and flows
This method nowcasts migration stocks and flows by using Twitter data. Under development. -
Emergency Tweets 2013 Milan blackout
This dataset is related to a power outage (i.e., a blackout) that occurred in the city of Milan, in northern Italy, in the night between 14 and 15 May 2013. Despite not...-
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City-to-city migration
Census data recording the migration of people between metropolitan areas in the US -
Emergency Tweets 2009 L'Aquila earthquake
This dataset comprises 1,100 Italian tweets shared in the aftermath of the 2009 L’Aquila earthquake (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2009_L%27Aquila_earthquake). The earthquake...-
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Open data from NervousNet
This dataset contains anonymized proximity information sent by 154 mobile phones (both Android and iPhone) via phone apps. These information are sent by bluetooth beacons every...-
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Car sharing dataset
The dataset comprises pickup and drop-off times and locations of vehicles in 10 European cities for one of the major free-floating car sharing operator. For nine of these... -
Twitter dataset about two premier UK music festivals
The dataset contains twitter posts about two premier UK music festivals: Creamfields 2016 (on August 25th-28th) and VFestival 2016 (on August 20th-21st).-
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Micro Project Experiments: Academic Migration and Academic Networks
The experiments and results material for the micro project titled Academic Migration and Academic Networks: Evidence from Scholarly Big Data and the Iron Curtain-
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Micro Project Datasets: Academic Migration and Academic Networks
Datasets used and produced for and from the micro project titled: Academic Migration and Academic Networks: Evidence from Scholarly Big Data and the Iron Curtain-
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Micro Project Methods: Academic Migration and Academic Networks
Methods used for the micro-project titled: Academic Migration and Academic Networks: Evidence from Scholarly Big Data and the Iron Curtain-
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Human migration the big data perspective
How can big data help to understand the migration phenomenon? In this paper, we try to answer this question through an analysis of various phases of migration, comparing...-
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