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Tags: Network analysis

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    Private Synthetic interfirm network

    The dataset contains a synthetic version of an interfirm network
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    Formal network of Estonian companies and board members

    This dataset consists of managed and continuously updated data about Estonian companies and board members since 1994. Technical documentation of data structures and the REST API...
  • Dataset

    Congress Network

    Network built on top of US congress voting data and made available on the website GovTrack.us. Nodes identifies congressman and edges represent the semantic "have supported the...
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    bond yield_equity log-returns_CDS spreads

    Financial data used to construct a bipartite network of systemically important banks and sovereign bonds.
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    Estonian public sector electronic services and service providers and consumers

    The dataset contains records of electronic services (aka X-Road services), service providers and consumers harvested in April 2014 from RIHA (https://riha.eesti.ee). The data...
  • Method

    Nowcasting well-being with human mobility data

    This method describes an analytical framework to nowcast well-being by using mobility measures extracted from mobile phone data.
  • Method

    Estimating Collective Wellbeing

    This method estimates the wellbeing of a country by using an alternative measure to GDP. The proposed measure is the average sophistication of the satisfiable needs of a...
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    DebtRank Systemic Risk Estimation Method

    The DebtRank algorithm is used to estimate the impact of shocks in financial networks, as it overcomes the limitations of the traditional default-cascade approaches.The method...
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