11 items found

Licenses: Academic Free License 3.0 Groups: sobigdata-it

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  • Dataset

    Telegram data cryptoEN chats

    This dataset contains English-language Telegram data focused on discussions related to conspiracy theories and involved in discussions around financial and cryptocurrency...
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    Private Superdiversity dataset

    The Superdiversity dataset includes the Superdiversity Index (SI) calculated on the diversity of the emotional content expressed in texts of different communities. The...
  • Method

    Online Learning of Order Flow and Market Impact (OLOFMI)

    This library performs regime detection in the aggregated order flow time-series and market impact analysis. The required input file is in the format of the message file of the...
  • Method

    Score-Driven Bayesian Online Change Point Detection (SD-BOCPD)

    This code deals with Bayesian online detection in univariate time-series of changepoints, i.e. abrupt variations in the generative parameters of a data, and regimes, i.e....
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    Private Synthetic interfirm network

    The dataset contains a synthetic version of an interfirm network
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    Private ICT patents applied to the China National Intellectual Property Administration

    Patents in ICT following the classification of Inaba and Squicciarini (2013 OECD) applied to the China National Intellectual Property Administration from January 2000 to...
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    Private Simulated limit order book dynamics

    The dataset contains detailed simulations of the limit order book dynamics of financial assets. The data are calibrated on stocks of Nasdaq and contains all the events...
  • Dataset

    World Trade Web_2000

    Weighted, directed adjacency matrix of the World Trade Web in the year 2000
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  • Dataset

    Carbon Trade Network_2000

    Weighted, directed adjacency matrix of the Carbon Trade Network in the year 2000
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  • Dataset

    Carbon Trade Network_2020

    Weighted, directed adjacency matrix of the Carbon Trade Network in the year 2020
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  • Dataset

    World Trade Web_2020

    Weighted, directed adjacency matrix of the World Trade Web in the year 2020
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