27 items found

Organisations: SoBigData Catalogue Groups: sobigdata-eu

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  • Dataset

    European Banks Asset Class exposures

    This is a curated dataset, where the Original data are taken from European Banking Authority (EBA), who collects banks' data to perform stress-test systemic risk analysis....
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    Estonian public sector electronic services and service providers and consumers

    The dataset contains records of electronic services (aka X-Road services), service providers and consumers harvested in April 2014 from RIHA (https://riha.eesti.ee). The data...
  • Dataset

    Disease Twitter Dataset

    This Twitter dataset covers two recent outbreaks: Ebola and Zika. About 60 million tweets were collected through a query-based access to the Twitter Streaming API, covering...
  • Dataset

    e-MID interbank transactions

    This dataset is an edgelist containing daily interbank transactions as registered in the electronic Market for Interbank Deposits (e-MID), in the period 2010--2014. e-MID is...
  • Dataset

    Russell 3000 stock prices

    This dataset contains the price and volume of the 3000 stocks belonging to the Russell 3000 Index, roughly corresponding to the 3000 more capitalized stocks. Traded volume and...
  • Dataset

    Food consumption data at the canteens of University of Pisa

    A dataset storing all the meals consumed by students at the canteen of University of Pisa during a six years-long period.
  • Dataset

    Retail Market Data

    This dataset contains Retail Market Data about food products, from 2007, for about 130 shops of an Italian Distribution chain. Data are of about 1 M of Active Clients, and...