6 items found

Licenses: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 Groups: sobigdata-eu

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    Private Twitter users retweet

    The dataset was collected using the tweepy API (http://docs.tweepy.org), a Python library for accessing the Twitter API. We selected 14 Twitter accounts, and we obtained all...
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    Private Battery State of Health in smart grids Dataset

    Smart Grids are the evolution of traditional electric grids and allow two-way flows of electricity and information between different actors. At the edge of this network,...
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    Private Optimizing Empty Container Repositioning and Fleet Deployment via Configurabl...

    We introduce a novel framework, Configurable SemiPOMDPs, to model this type of problems. Furthermore, we provide a two-stage learning algorithm, “Configure & Conquer”...
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    Private Vegetation of a basin of the Po river Dataset

    We provide two climatological dataset composed by D = 136 (with 1038 samples) and D = 1991 (with 981 samples) continuous climatological features and a scalar target, which...
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    Private Highway driving simulation

    The SUMO simulator is used to model scenarios with diferent road topologies and traffc intensities, randomizing the fow of vehicles, to ensure the generation of sufciently...
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    Private Dynamical Linear Upper Confidence Bound (DynLin-UCB)

    The repository contains the code to run DynLin-UCB (Dynamical Linear Upper Confidence Bound). DynLin-UCB is an optimistic regret-minimization algorithm that can be used to...