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Tags: North Sea

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  • Dataset

    SAHFOS CPR standard areas

    CPR standard areas are pre-defined areas used historically within the Continuous Plankton Recorder Survey. They include standar areas form the Gretar North Sea and North Atlnaic...
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    Annual anomalies of total copepod abundance per CPR-grid cell from the SAHFOS...

    Dataproduct Annual anomalies of total copepod abundance per CPR Standard area from the SAHFOS CPR Survey data for 1948-2005.
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  • Dataset

    Annual mean abundance Diatoms 1958-2006

    Dataproduct from the Continuous Plankton Recorder (CPR) on the annual means of the abundance of Diatomsfrom 1958-2006. The data has been averaged per CPR standard region and...
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    Time-series for the North Sea of standardized anomalies of abundance of 4 HAB...

    Dataproduct on time-series for the North Sea of standardized anomalies of abundance of 4 HAB taxa (Dinophysis spp., Prorocentrum spp., Noctiluca spp. , Pseudo-nitzchia spp.)...
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  • Dataset

    Annual means Dinoflagellates 1958-2006

    Dataproduct from the Continuous Plankton Recorder (CPR) on the annual means of the Dinoflagellate abundance from 1958-2006. The data has been averaged per CPR standard region...
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